Chapter 54

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I lazily wrote down the answers on my paper. I looked at the empty seat next to me. I sighed and raised my shaking hand.

"Can I go to the restroom?"

The teacher nodded and I nearly bolted out of my seat. I walked out of the classroom and jogged to the restrooms. Once I was in the restroom, I rushed to a stall, not even bothering to close it, earning myself a disgusted look from a guy washing his hands. I threw up what little breakfast I had and shakily flushed the toilet.

I leaned back against the stall, taking deep breaths, making sure I don't throw up again. Once I thought I was good, I walked out. Before I turned the corner, a girl ran into my chest. She squealed and looked up. "Oh Chaz!"

Sam stood back a little and smiled, then her face dropped. "You look terrible..." she cupped my face and frowned. "You have a fever, you need to go home."

"I'm fine," I mumbled, removing her hand from my face. I started to walk back to class, but she grabbed my shoulder, stopping me. "Chester you aren't fine."

"What are you doing here anyways?" I snapped at her.

Sam frowned, "Volunteer work at the library." She took my arm, "Chester, something is bothering you and I know it."

"Just leave me alone..." I tried pulling away, but I forgot how strong she can be. "Come on, we're going to the nurse." I give up and go with her anyways.


"Alright, well you do have a fever, you did throw up twice today and it's barley half way through first hour. I'm sending you home." The nurse wrote on her pad and gave me the paper. "Here's your pass," she said smiling.

Sam pulled my arm again, leading me back to class, "Alright get your backpack--and give me your keys, you are not driving."

I sighed and dug into my pockets for my keys. I dropped them into her hand and went into the classroom to give the teacher my note and get my backpack. I handed the note to my teacher. She gave me a sad smile, "Feel better."

I grabbed my backpack, not replying and headed out. Sam smiled and took my hand. As we passed the restrooms, Anna was at the water fountains. She wiped her mouth, spotting us, her eyes widened. I glared at her and she yelped, ducking into the restrooms. "What happened to her face?" Sam snorted. "Did you finally give her what she deserved?"

"Mike did," I said quietly.

She snorted, "Where is he anyways? I haven't seen him in a while."

"House arrest. Anna pressed charges."

"Oh gosh. Did Anna's parents like freak or something?"

"I guess you can say that."

She sighed. "You must be lonely..." We walked out of the building and towards my car. "You need some sort of company," she opened the door and hopped in. "Maybe we can eat or go to your place and watch a movie?" She asked grinning. When I didn't reply her face fell, "Look. Mike's coming back. He always will, even when you don't expect it. Just try to be happy and strong for him until he gets out, okay?"

I nodded slowly and looked down at my lap. The radio was on, Depeche Mode playing.

Maybe Samantha was right. If I keep moping around like this all the time, that's not gonna do anything.

I need to listen to her, to the guys.

"All I ever wanted,all I ever needed, is here in my arms.

If I don't stop this, I could turn back to the drugs. And if Mike found out...

"Vows are spoken, to be broken. Feelings are intense, words are trivial. Pleasures remain, so does the pain. Words are meaningless and forgettable."

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