Chapter 24

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Trigger warning towards the end of the chapter.


I ran out of what Chris gave me. I was getting hooked on what little drugs he gave me. I was relapsing.

I walked home with a package in hand. I looked around to make sure no one was following. Mike was a pretty well known guy. If someone saw me, he'd find out somehow. He would leave me for sure if he knew. I shuddered.


I lay on my bed smiling. I hadn't felt this great since, well, the last time I took drugs. I really didn't care at this point, but a voice in my head kept telling me to stop. I shoved it away and went downstairs for a snack.

When I came back up, my phone was ringing.

"Hey Mikey," I said lazily. I heard him chuckle.

"Hey Ches, you sound a little tired."

"It is 2 a.m. What's up?"

"We have to open up for some up and coming singer."

"Who?" I yawned. I would've been excited, but I felt to high and tired to care.

"I don't know her name, but from what I hear, she's really good."


"I'll let you sleep. Goodnight, love you."

"Love you too," I said quietly as he hung up. I sighed and tossed my phone at the bed. I tumbled onto my bed and knocked out.


"I'm too weak to face me!"

I sang the new song we were working on, Mike and Brad were sitting on my bed, listening.

"Can you make that sound a little more...angry?" Brad suggested. Mike nodded,"Yeah, and the word is aggressively Brad. Make sound that way."

I sang it again and they smiled. I laughed. "You guys seem pretty hyped up for this next show. Where are we playing?"

Brad grinned, "You'll never believe it, but we're playing at the Roxy!"

My eyes widened, "Are you fucking serious?!"

Mike chuckled and wrapped me in a hug. "Yup, we're getting there."

I couldn't believe my dream was slowly coming true. Maybe things weren't so bad after all.


I was walking through the aisles of my favorite art shop. I wanted to finish that painting of my soldier. I haven't touched since Chester drew that wing on it. I wanted to finish up the wings and maybe hang it up somewhere.

"Mikey!" I heard a all too familiar voice squeal. Anna was skipping towards me. She had a huge grin on her face. "I totally forgot you like this store! I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

Yeah, right.

I ignored her and continued to look at different tubes of paint. I chose a couple of colors and tossed them into the basket I had.

"So Mikey, I was thinking and I had the best idea ever." I walked out of the aisle and started to look for spray paint.

She followed me and continued to talk, "School is starting after in a month and a half and I thought we should go see a movie before school starts!"

I looked at different brands and chose neon green, brown, black, red, blue and yellow cans of paint. I tossed them in the basket and walked away. I was starting to get pissed that she wasn't giving up, "No offense but I don't want your boyfriend coming along. It can just be the two of us and afterwards we can have some fun, you know?"

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