Chapter 53

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My head pounded. I groaned and fluttered my eyes open. The guys were all huddled around me.

"He's awake," Brad sighed, relieved. I tried to sit up, but my head ached and my stomach churned. I grunted in pain softly and clutched my stomach. "Rob he's not looking good at all. We should probably take him to the bathroom."

I felt hands lift me up, steady me and help me walk to the bathroom. My stomach continued to lurch and I felt weak. I knew it was the withdrawal hitting me again. I needed something. My mind wandered to the acid that was still on the floor in my room. Yeah, that could help. It could get me through the night until I found Davey's number.

I was harshly snapped out of my thoughts when my stomach heaved and I felt someone pull me towards the toilet when I gagged. I threw up what little food I ate today.

My legs gave out and I was on the floor. "Dude he's not okay." Everything was just a buzz around me. I couldn't make out what was happening around me or who was talking. The drugs. I need them.

"Chaz can you hear me?" I winced. The noise was too loud. Maybe a drink. Or a cigarette. I needed something.

"Joe help out!" I heard a whine and then more voices, "I don't care that he threw up everywhere!"

"Shh," I hissed, clutching my head. My head spun, my stomach hurt and I had such a craving. "I need...something," I slurred.

"Wait he said something! What is it Ches?" I assumed it was Brad, but I wasn't sure. 

"I need like...maybe a hit or two...nah three," I giggled and slumped over the toilet. I felt like throwing up again, but there was nothing in my stomach anymore.

"Guys it's the withdrawal," someone said, worried. I frowned. Were they gonna scold me again?

"Chaz, you know better," someone else said. Yup, of course. I looked up and choked up. Mike was standing there, leaning against the doorway. He had a worried look on his face, he was chewing his lip and his arms were crossed.

"M-Mikey?" I stuttered. I reached for him but he turned and walked away from the doorway. "No...stay, I want to see you!"

"Rob call Jason! He's hallucinating!"

I heard rustling and footsteps. Voices filled the air around me. "Guys give him space, he's sweating a lot." I tried standing up to look for Mike. He's here somewhere...

"Mikey...where are you?" I mumbled as I grabbed at the air, attempting to find something to hold while I stand up. "No, Chaz stay down. I don't want you getting hurt."

"But Mike! He was there! Let me see him!" I fought whoever was holding me down. I clawed at the person's arms, attempting to get them to let go. "LET ME GO! I WANT TO SEE HIM!" I shrieked. I heard a panicked voice.

"Dude he's going berserk! You have to let Mike get on the phone! I don't care what your parents say- Hello?" Rob let out a frustrated groan.

"MIKE! MIKE PLEASE COME BACK!" I cried at the top of my lungs desperately. I turned my head so I was facing the person's arm and I opened my mouth.

"Ow! Fuck! He fucking bit me!" he jumped back, letting go of me. I scrambled to the bathroom door and ran down the hall. I stumbled forward and landed hard on the thin carpeted floor. My head suddenly began throbbing, my vision unfocused and my eyes rolled back.


I poked at my food and dropped my fork. Mom glared at me, "Mike. If you don't eat, you can say goodbye to your sketch books too."

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