Chapter 57

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I dug around my room to find my favorite sweater I haven't worn in a while. I grumbled and gave up, picking up another sweater. I grabbed my keys and my backpack and headed out.

The cool air hit my face as I walked out towards my car. I got in, drove to school, and then got out. I saw Sam sitting out on one of the tables outside. She was on her phone, probably texting. Sam looked up at me and beamed. "Hey! So I heard your man's coming back to school now?"

I nodded and smiled, "Yeah, he was out of house arrest sometime on Thursday. He took me out on Friday."

Sam squealed and pulled me down to sit next to her. "What did he do? Fancy dinner? Walk in the Park? Concert?" she asked excitedly.

I chuckled, "He just took me to a nice hotel. We spent the night there."

"Ooh," she giggled, "Bet you had fun that night."

"Oh shut up." She giggled again.

"Funny how he took you out when it was his birthday," Sam laughed. I chuckled.

"Yeah, Mike's jut like that. He'll put others before himself."

"Oh hey you left a sweater in my car. That time I drove you to one of your friends houses? Who was it...Davey?" She asked pulling out my sweater from her bag.

I felt stupid realizing that I haven't worn that sweater since the last time I bought drugs off of Davey. And I left it in Sam's car.

"Oh, uh thanks," I mumbled taking it from her. I stuffed it my back pack and stood up.


"Wow. She did?" Joe asked excitedly. Mike chuckled. "I swear she jumped five feet up in the air when she saw me."

"Didn't think she would be that traumatized," Brad snorted. I chuckled and leaned on Mike's shoulder.

"She does the same with me. Every time she sees me, it's like she thinks I'm gonna attack her."

"Anna's stupid," Dave said with a mouthful of sandwich.

"Ew Phi, close your mouth."

Rob looked up from his lunch, "So she hasn't bothered you two at all?"

"Nope," Mike said shaking his head. He then turned to Dave and held out a small box. "Here Dave, late birthday gift." Dave's eyes lit up as he took the box.

"You remembered!"

He opened the box and squealed. "THEY'RE SO PERFECT, I WILL CHERISH THEM UNTIL THE DAY I DIE." Some people around us looked at Dave, then went back to eating there lunch.

I leaned over to Mike and whispered, "What did you get him?"

"Bass picks." I chuckled and looked up at the other guys. They looked a little bad for not getting Dave anything.

"Um, so...what are you two love birds doing today?" Brad asked. Mike smirked, "Do you even need to ask?"

Joe coughed, trying not to choke on his sandwich. "Please don't start that now. I'm eating my lunch."

"Haha, well then don't ask."

"I didn't ask! Brad did!"

"Brad you pervert," I giggled as rested my head on Mike's shoulder. "Besides, it's not what you think anyways. It's just gonna be a nice dinner." Brad turned red and looked away. Rob and Dave were snickering.


"I'll pick you up at around five okay." Mike said kissing me. I nodded and opened my car door. I got home and got dressed into some nice clothes. I spiked my hair and put on a spiked necklace. I grabbed my phone and my keys, sprinting towards the door. I waited patiently on the porch steps and looked at the street.

Everything in BetweenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt