Chapter 9 - Penguins

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- Third POV -

Mizuki was walking through Sokka and Katara's small village until she heard Sokka's voice. She approaches the sound and sees Sokka, who's talking to a group children. Aren't those kids a young for combat training?

"Now men, it's important that you show no fear when you face a firebender! In the Water Tribe, we fight to the last man standing! For without courage, how can we call ourselves men?" States Sokka determined.

"I gotta pee!" Shouts a toddler while raising his hand, earning an annoyed sigh from Sokka. Mizuki slightly chuckles at the sight of Sokka trying to desperately train the toddlers.

"Listen! Until your fathers return from the war, they're counting on you to be the men of this tribe, and that means no potty breaks!" Exclaims Sokka while making some wide arm gestures to emphasize his words. Upon hearing this, Mizuki looks at Sokka with sadness. So that's why there aren't any adult or teenage males in the entire village. Sokka must miss his dad.

"But I really gotta go!" Protests the boy while Mizuki approaches Sokka, who turns around to look at her.

"Oh- hey Mizuki" Greets Sokka.

"Hello" Smiles Mizuki.

"Sokka I gotta-"

"Can you shut up for one second?" Scoffs Sokka, who's clearly frustrated with the sitation.

"You know, if he pees his pants, you're the one responsible for it" Teases Mizuki while putting her hand on Sokka's shoulder. Sokka looks at Mizuki before sighing in defeat.

"Okay, who else has to go?" Asks Sokka as every child immediately raises their hand. Sokka is surprised for a second before facepalming in frustration.

"Don't worry too much about it" Comforts Mizuki while giving Sokka a smile, which he returns. Suddenly, the two see Katara approaching them.

"Have you seen Aang? Gran-Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago" Says Katara concerned. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Aang either. Where could he possibly be? Not to far away from the Water Tribe siblings and Mizuki, Aang appears from an outhouse igloo, pulling his pants up a bit higher.

"Wow! Everything freezes in there!" Says Aang amused as he points at the bathroom with a smile on his face. Sokka's 'soldiers' halt beside Aang and laugh with him.

"Uh! Katara, get him out of here! This lesson is for warriors only!" Complains Sokka while pointing angrily at Aang. Sokka is about to walk away until he hears the sound of laughing children.

"Whee!" Yells a boy out of excitement. Sokka turns around, and he sees the village children sliding down Appa's tail like a slide. The end of the tail is propped upward, so the children are propelled into the air. They fly over Sokka's spear, now serving as a mark that they need to cross before landing in a soft pile of snow. Katara laughs as a boy lands head-first in the snow, but Sokka rushes forwards.

"Stop! Stop it right now!" Shouts Sokka as he stands infront of Aang and the children. The laughter of the children is stifled immediately and Appa turns his head to look at Sokka, who accusingly directs his anger to Aang.

"What's wrong with you?! We don't have time for fun and games with the war going on!" Sokka takes back his spear and casts an annoyed glance at the laughing children who run past him.

"What war? What are you talking about?" Asks Aang while he slides down from Appa's head. Mizuki looks at Aang in disbelief, just how long was he trapped in the iceberg?

"You're kidding, right?" Says Sokka while he raises one eyebrow in disbelief. Aang looks questioningly at Sokka, but the expression on his face changes to enthusiasm when he catches sight of an otter-penguin. Aang turns around, grabs Mizuki's hand and starts running towards a group of otter-penguins.

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