Chapter 69 - separated?

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- Third POV -

Mizuki and Aang are sitting against Appa's leg in silence.

"I said too much, didn't I?" Sighs Mizuki upset as she puts her chin on top of her knees.

"It's okay...everyone gets mad sometimes" Reassures Aang as he looks at her.

"Yeah, but I was being a bit too much" Replies Mizuki.

"But uhm, did you really mean what you said back there?" Asks Aang while Mizuki tilts her head confused.

"When you said that you'll stay with me" Says Aang as he looks down at the ground.

"Of course I did" Chuckles Mizuki.

"We made a promise, didn't we?" Mizuki looks up at Aang with a comforting smile on her face.

"Yeah. We did" Says Aang as he begins to smile.

"I think I'm going to apologize to Katara and Sokka" States Mizuki as she stands up.

"Yeah, me too. It was wrong to hide the letter from them" Admits Aang as he stands up as well.

"I admit, that wasn't the smartest thing to do" Chuckles Mizuki while Aang begins to laugh.

"Yeah, I'm an idiot" He says.


The nuns stare in fright as Nyla enters the abbey with Iroh, Zuko and June on his back.

"We're getting close" States June while Nyla continues to race towards the scent of Mizuki. Meanwhile, Bato, Katara, and Sokka are walking through the woods. A wolf's howl can be heard.

"That wolf sounds so sad" Whispers Katara upset.

"It's probably wounded" Mentions Sokka.

"No, it's been separated from the pack. I understand that pain. It's how I felt when the Water Tribe warriors had to leave me behind. They were my family, and being apart from them was more painful than my wounds" States Bato in a sorrowful tone. Sokka recalls a memory of him saying good bye to his father.

"Sokka?" Says Katara who had noticed that her brother wasn't paying attention.

"We need to go back. I wanna see dad, but, helping Aang is where we're needed the most" Sighs Sokka.

"You're right" Beams Katara.

"And Mizuki was right, we were being kind of rude" Admits Sokka as he looks at the ground.

"Your father will understand, and I know he's proud of you" Reassures Bato as he walks up to the siblings and puts his arms on their shoulders.

"Thanks Bato" Grins Sokka.

"I know where to go from here. Take this in case you want to find us. I'll leave a message at the rendezvous point" Says Bato as he hands Sokka the map over. Sokka and Katara begin walking back to the abbey. Suddenly, they see a nun.

"Sokka! Katara! I have a letter for your friend Mizuki" Exclaims the woman as she hands over the letter.

"Why don't you just give it to her?" Asks Sokka confused.

"I'm not sure where your friend is" Admits the nun.

"We'll give it to her" Reassures Katara.

"Thank you" The nun bows before she leaves.

"It's from...Tora?" Points out Sokka as he looks at the letter while Katara shrugs.

"It's for Mizuki, not you. So don't even think about reading it" Scolds Katara as she takes the letter from Sokka and continues walking towards the abbey.


"Looks like it's just us" Sighs Aang upset as he begins to pack his stuff.

"We'll be okay Aang" Comforts Mizuki. Suddenly, a woman runs towards them.

"Avatar, dualbender, you must leave!" Shouts the nun.

"Okay, I get it. Everybody wants me gone" Replies Aang somewhat annoyed.

"A group of people came to the abbey looking for you" Exclaims the woman.

"Who?" Asks Mizuki concerned. Please don't let it be Zuko, please-

"A fierce looking woman with a horrible monster, and a young man with a scar" Informs the woman.

"Zuko" States Aang while Mizuki sighs. Damnit.

"The beast was using the scent of a necklace to follow you" Says the woman in a worried tone.

"A necklace? Mimi, did you lose yours?" Asks Aang as he turns around to face Mizuki.

"No? I'm wearing the necklace Katara made me..." Replies Mizuki confused as she touches the necklace's flower.

"Katara!" Gasps Aang. They must have Katara's necklace! Mizuki and Aang share a worried look.

"I'm going to find Sokka and Katara, you go get Appa" Exclaims Mizuki before she runs off towards the abbey. As soon as she sees Sokka and Katara Mizuki starts to shout.

"Sokka! Katara! We're in danger!" Shouts Mizuki.

"What's wrong?" Asks Sokka worriedly. Suddenly, Nyla jumps behind Sokka and Katara and paralyzes them with his tongue. Mizuki's eyes widen out of shock as she sees the shirshu.


"Don't let her escape!" Shouts a man angrily as he points at Mizuki. Mizuki starts running as fast as she can and dodges a few arrows, her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly, a huge animal stands in front of her. Mizuki bumps into the shirshu and falls backwards.

"Ack!" Groans Mizuki as her arm slightly gets cut by an arrow. She grabs her arm and stands up, looking into the eyes of the shirshu.

"Good need to fight" Whispers Mizuki as she tries to pet the animal, however, the shirshu hits her with his tongue and paralyzes Mizuki.

"We got her, finally. You'll pay for your actions, you witch" Snarks the man as he grabs Mizuki's wrist.

{end flashback}

"So this is your girlfriend. No wonder she left, she's way too pretty for you" Scoffs June as she stops the shirshu and looks at Mizuki, who quickly stands up and takes on a fighting stance, her hands trembling. Zuko gets off the shirshu's back and walks towards Mizuki.

"Don't come any closer" Threathens Mizuki.

"Where is he? Where is the Avatar?" Demands Zuko.

"We split up. He's gone" Retorts Mizuki as she crosses her arms and looks away.

"How stupid do you think I am?" Grunts Zuko angrily as he grabs Mizuki's wrist.

"Pretty stupid" Smirks Mizuki while looking into's Zuko's eyes. However, she notices the shirshu move behind Zuko and grabs Zuko's shoulders, turning him around and using him as a shield. The shirshu paralyzes Zuko instead of Mizuki. Mizuki lets go of Zuko and bends a cloud of dust, using it to run away unnoticed.

"You're pathetic" Scoffs June.

"Shut up. What are we supposed to do now?" Grunts Zuko angrily while June grabs Zuko and throws him on the back of her shirshu.

"She can't be too far away, we'll catch up in less then a second" States June.

"Hold on, my shirshu's seeking a different scent. Perhaps something that the Avatar held" Says June as Nyla walks towards Sokka and Katara who are laying on the ground. Nyla knocks the map off Sokka's pack and smells it. 

To be continued

Word count: 1.084

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