Chapter 47 - the dam

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- Third POV -

"Hey, listen. Jet's a great leader, we follow what he says and things always turn out okay" Answers Pipsqueak. Sokka notices a couple of snare leaf-piles nearby identical to the one that enticed Momo. Mizuki notices this and shares a determined look with Sokka.

"If that's how Jet leads, then he's got a lot to learn" Exclaims Sokka before he sprints off in the direction of the snares. Mizuki quickly follows him. Smellerbee and Pipsqueak try to grab Mizuki but they miss.

"Hey!" Shouts Smellerbee as she chases them along with Pipsqueak. Sokka and Mizuki leap over the leaf piles. Pipsqueak and Smellerbee don't, and end up snared and hanging many feet up in the air.

"While you two are up there, you might want to practice your knot work" Mocks Sokka as he and Mizuki hold up their now-worthless bindings before walking away.

<time skip, a few minutes later>

"We need to warn the villagers" States Sokka.

"I'll go warn the villagers and try to evacuate some of them while you go get Appa to evacuate the rest of the villagers" Suggests Mizuki.

"Good plan. I'll see you at the village" Answers Sokka.

"Seeya" Beams Mizuki before leaving.


Katara and Aang are standing on the edge of the cliff. At the base of the dam, four of the freedom fighters are unloading barrels from the wagon and arranging them.

"What are they doing?" Says Katara confused.

"Hey, those are the red barrels he got from the Fire Nation" Mentions Aang.

"Why would they need blasting jelly?" Mumbles Katara.

"Because Jet's gonna blow up the dam" Concludes Aang with a terrified expression on his face.

"What? No, that would destroy the town. Jet wouldn't do that" Replies Katara.

"I've gotta stop him" States Aang as he opens his glider and takes off.

"Jet wouldn't do that" Mutters Katara unsure. Before Aang can reach the edge, Jet crosses his path from behind and snatches the glider. Aang is left wobbling precariously on the edge, and uses airbending to get himself back on stable footing.

"Yes I would" Responds Jet.

"Jet, why?" Asks Katara upset.

"Katara, you would too if you just stopped to think. Think about what the Fire Nation did to your mother, we can't let them do that to anyone else, ever again" Explains Jet.

"This isn't the answer!" Argues Katara.

"I want you to understand me Katara-" Replies Jet but he gets cut off.

"Why do you have Mizuki's water pouch" Snaps Katara.

"Listen Katara-" Says Jet but he gets cut off again.

"Mizuki wouldn't leave her water pouch behind! Be honest with me, Sokka and Mizuki aren't on a mission. Are they?!" Exclaims Katara worriedly as a tear falls from her left eye. Jet reaches out to Katara and touches her face.

"Katara" Says Jet in a calming voice. Katara lowers her head, and with a shout, sends Jet flying with the water from her water pouch. She draws it back into the water pouch when she's done.

"I need to get to the dam" States Aang as he reaches for his glider. However, one of Jet's hook swords pins it. With a yank he pulls Aang's glider to him.

"You're not going anywhere without your glider" Threathens Jet. Jet swings his swords at Aang while Aang somersaults backwards to advoid Jet's reach.

"I'm not gonna fight you Jet" Complains Aang.

"You''ll have to if you want your glider back" Taunts Jet. Aang retreats back into the forest, as Jet hooks the branch and pulls himself up. Katara follows them on the ground. Jet attacks head on, but Aang blocks with his arms and sends his opponent flying into a tree trunk with an air kick. Jet combines his swords again and advances. Aang avoids the flail-like move and sends another air blast. Jet stoops down and lets the air flow over and past him before lunging.

They continue the chase through the forest. Jet catches up to Aang and sends them both freefalling, they both end up on a branch. Jet continues his attack. Aang avoids it all, Jet charges again but Aang hits him with a jetstream of air. While Jet falls he manages to recover, but loses the glider in the process. Before Aang can get to the ground Jet kicks him into a trunk. Aang lands with a thud next to his glider. But before Jet can take another step however, he is hit by a large water strike. Katara had used the water from the river to throw Jet against the trunk of a tree. Jet is unable to avoid the attack and its force plasters him against the trunk. Katara freezes Jet from toe to neck.

"Why Jet? I can't believe I trusted you. You lied to me, you're sick and I trusted you!" Shouts Katara frustrated. Suddenly, a birdcall is heard. Katara and Aang are startled by the sound and look at the valley. Jet gives an answering birdcall.

"What are you doing?" Asks Aang in a hostile tone.

"You're too late" Chuckles Jet.

"No!" Exclaims Katara horrified. Aang quickly pens his glider and runs for the nearbay cliff. His glider's wings are damaged to the point that he has no lift, and slams back into the ground near the edge. Katara runs over to help him.

"Mizuki and Sokka are still out there, they're our only chance" Says Aang in a weak voice.

"Come on, Sokka. I'm sorry I ever doubted you, please" Pleads Katara. Longshot stands on a branch, his bow pulled. He has a flaming arrow on the string. He takes aim and fires. It arcs down to the base of the dam. Katara and Aang watch in horror.

"No..." Mutters Katara terrified. The center of the dam explodes in a cloud of smoke and fire. A massive wall of water reaches the town. The water rushes through the open gate, as a cresting wave dwarfs it. The wall and gate are swallowed as the wave strikes the town.

"Sokka and Mizuki didn't make it in time" Mumbles Aang sorrowful.

"All those people...Jet, you monster!" Yells Katara as she turns around and faces Jet.

"This was a victory, Katara. Remember that. The Fire Nation is gone and this valley will be safe" Says Jet smugly.

To be continued

Word count: 1026

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