Chapter 19 - ambushed

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- Mizuki's POV -

I had followed the female warriors quietly. At some point they reached a huge statue, the warriors tied Aang, Katara and Sokka to the statue. 

"You three have some explaining to do" Says a man.

"Show yourselves, cowards!" Shouts Sokka. The girl who seems to be the leader of the warriors takes a step forward and removes the blindfolds. Sokka glares at the girls.

"Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?" Oh god. Sokka. You idiot.

"There were no men. We ambushed you. Now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?" Says the leader with a clenched fist.

"Wait a second, There's no way that a bunch of girls took us down" Says Sokka while he amusingly glances to his right to where Aang stands, as if he is looking for confirmation. I face palmed, how could Sokka say that.

"A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's gonna eat well tonight" Says the girl while she grabs Sokka by his collar.

"No, don't hurt him! He didn't mean it. My brother is just an idiot sometimes" Pleads Katara as she leans forwards. The girl releases Sokka and stares at him in dismay.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the elephant koi" Admits Aang. The warriors look confused at Aang.

"How do we know you're not Fire Nation spies? Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far. And we intend to keep it that way" Says a man who points at Aang, Katara and Sokka.

"This island is named for Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi!" Beams Aang.

"Ha! How could you possibly know her?" Answers the man. I look up at the wooden pole where a statue of a tall woman holding two stretched open fans stands. She's dressed in a similar outfit as the female warriors that ambushed Aang, Katara and Sokka. Woah, she must be Avatar Kyoshi! The colors have faded away a bit but it's clear that Kyoshi wears the same white face paint, with the red accentuated eyes as the modern Kyoshi warriors wear.

"Avatar Kyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She's been dead for centuries" Continues the man.

"I know her because I'm the Avatar" Says Aang in a soft, calming voice. Finally, he told them. Now they'll let them go, right? If they don't I'll have to step in. The Kyoshi warriors look at Aang in shock.

"That's impossible! The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared a hundred years ago" Exclaims the leader of the warriors who's not convinced by Aang's statement.

"That's me!" Replies Aang while he smiles sheepishly.

"Throw the impostor to the Unagi!" Shouts the man who angrily points at Aang while looking at the Kyoshi warriors. The warriors immediately retract their metal fans from out of their belts and slid them open. Ready to counter any sudden attack, they threateningly start to move forward and surround the bound friends. Katara leans forward in the ropes, glancing to her right where Aang is bound to the pole. I quickly bend a small portion of water out of the air.

" some airbending" Whispers Katara nervously. I waterbend the water into small pieces of ice and throw them from behind towards Aang's ropes. The ropes fall to the ground unnoticed but Aang looks surprised towards my direction for a second. Then he quickly turns around to face the Kyoshi warriors. Aang pushes himself off the ground using his airbending. He leaves a large dust cloud as he shoots in the air, now completely free of his bonds he tumbles elegantly over the statue.

"Wow! Did you see that? Airbender!" Shouts one of the villagers. Aang lands gently on the ground in front of the surprised crowd, his robes still fluttering in the air. The man and the Kyoshi warriors stare at him in shock. A lot more people have gathered around to see what's going on. Unlike the female warriors the other civilians are dressed in blue.

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