Chapter 55 - eye of the storm

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- Third POV -

Aang, Katara and Mizuki are sitting in the cave around a small campfire.

"Help! Oh, please help!" The teenagers turn around to see the fisherman's wife soaked wet at the entrance of the cave. They quickly rush towards her.

"It's okay. You're safe" Reassures Katara while escorting the woman to the campfire.

"But my husband isn't!" Exclaims the woman worriedly while Mizuki waterbends the water out of her clothing.

"What do you mean?" Asks Mizuki concerned.

"Where's Sokka?"

"They haven't returned! They should have been back by now! And this storm is becoming a typhoon! They're caught out at sea!" Panics the woman.

"I'm going to find him" Says Aang determined as he starts walking towards the exit of the cave.

"I'm going with you!" Exclaims Katara.

"Me too" States Mizuki.

"I'm staying here" Grunts the woman as she sits down next to the fire. Mizuki, Katara and Aang get on Appa's back.

"We'll be back soon. I promise" Shouts Aang as Appa ascends.


"Where were we hit?" Shouts Zuko worriedly as he looks around on his ship.

"I don't know!" Replies the Lieutenant nervously.

"Look!" Exclaims Iroh as he points at the helmsman.


"The helmsman!" Zuko and Lieutenant Jee start climbing up a ladder to help the helmsman who's about to fall. Suddenly, lightning is about to hit the ship. However, Iroh uses redirection and shoots the lightning away. After saving the helmsman, Zuko gets down on the deck and sees Appa flying.

"The Avatar!" Shouts Zuko as he looks up at Appa who's flying above his ship.

"What do you want to do sir?" Asks Jee.

"Let him go. We need to get this ship to safety" States Zuko.

"Then we must head directly into the eye of the storm" Informs Iroh.

<time skip, a few minutes later>

"Uncle, I'm sorry" Apologizes Zuko upset. I should've listened to Iroh, he was right about the dangerous storm. What kind of trashy leader am I? A good leader always knows to make the proper call. But here I am, risking the safety of my crew because of my selfishness

"Your apology is accepted" Replies Iroh reassuringly.


"I'm too young to die! I still haven't married-"

"I'm not too young but I still don't wanna!" Shouts the fisherman while cutting off Sokka. Suddenly, Appa shows up with Aang, Mizuki and Katara. Aang jumps down onto the boat. As a pole is falling down, Aang uses waterbending to split the pole in half. Mizuki quickly ties a rope to Appa's saddle.

"I'm coming!" Yells Mizuki as she uses the rope to get down onto the ship.

"Hang onto the rope!" Exclaims Aang as he escorts Sokka and the fisherman safely towards the other side of the ship. Meanwhile, Mizuki tries to tame the huge waves, hoping that the small boat won't sink. The fisherman starts climbing the rope with Sokka following close behind him.

"Grab my hand!" Exclaims Katara as she reaches out to the fisherman. As soon as he accepts her hand, she lifts him onto Appa's saddle. After helping the man and Sokka get onto Appa's back, she starts bending the water out of their clothes.

"Mizuki, we're done!" Shouts Aang before using his airbending to get onto Appa's back. Mizuki creates a gust of air that's just strong enough to leap onto Appa's saddle. They all go back to the cave where the fisherman's wife is waiting for them.

"Oh, you're alive!" Exclaims the fisherman's wife happily the moment she notices Appa arrive. She runs up to her husband and hugs him.

"You owe this boy an apology!" Scolds the woman as soon as she lets go of the fisherman.

"He doesn't have to apologize" Reassures Aang.

"What if, instead of an apology, I give him free fish and we call it even?" Suggests the man.

"Actually, I don't eat meat" Replies Aang sheepisly.

"Fish ain't meat" Shrugs the man while handing Mizuki the fish. Mizuki blinks confused at the fish she's holding. What am I supposed to do with this? I don't eat meat either...

"You don't eat meat, right? Can I have it?" Asks Sokka.

"Sure, I can't believe you rememberd that though" Chuckles Mizuki as she gives Sokka the fish.

"What can I say? I have a good memory" Smirks Sokka.

"Is that so?" Teases Mizuki while Sokka nods proudly.

"Well, in that case. Prove it" Challenges Mizuki.

"Sure" Replies Sokka calmly, in an attempt to hide his nervousness. I can't think of anything! There must be something! Uhmm... Sokka looks around in the hope to find an idea. The moment he looks at the fisherman, he recalls a memory.


"Appa, yip yip!" As Appa flies out of the water, a big wave splashes the fisherman. Sokka walks out from below the deck on the boat.

"Hey! They left without saying good bye!" Sokka starts to pout, did Mizuki really just leave him like that? Betrayal. She will definitly hear about this later.

"Your friends ain't too polite, are they?" Says the fisherman.

"I know! This one time, I was-" Sokka gets cut off by the fisherman who hands him a crate, interrupting him impolitely.

"Yeah, yeah, get below deck!" Demands the man.

{end flashback}

"You didn't say good bye when you left me with the rude fisherman" Blurts out Sokka. Mizuki furrows her brows as she starts thinking. Did I really do that? I'm not sure.

"I what?" Mumbles Mizuki confused as she tilts her head.

"Yea you did" Answers Sokka dryly.

"I don't think so" Mizuki raises an eyebrow in disbelief while Sokka crosses his arms dramatically.

"I'm telling the truth!" Exclaims Sokka.

"Fine, you win. For now" Chuckles Mizuki while Sokka turns around to face the fisherman.

"Oh, by the way. You're still going to pay me, right?" The fisherman sweatdrops. I guess I'll give him two fishes instead.


"Mizuki, I think you were right before. I'm done dwelling on the past" States Aang.

"Really?" Asks Mizuki happily as she starts to smile relieved.

"I can't make guesses about what would have turned out if I hadn't run away. I'm here now and I'm going to make the most out of it" Replies Aang, who's slowly starting to smile.

"I don't think you're gonna have those nightmares anymore" Says Mizuki. Suddenly, the fisherman approaches the duo.

"And if you weren't here now, well, I guess I wouldn't be either. Thank you for saving my life, Avatar" Admits the fisherman.

"Hey, do you hear that? It stopped raining!" Exclaims Sokka who's standing next to the entrance of the cave.

To be continued

Word count: 1.065

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