Chapter 46 - knife

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"Sokka, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation?" Says Jet who's sitting on a hammock-bed. Sokka's standing grumpily in the corner of the room. Mizuki is wearing the hat Katara made while sitting on a chair. Katara and Aang are standing next to her.

"No, he conveniently left that part out" Answers Katara annoyed.

"Fine! But even if he was Fire Nation, he was a harmless civilian!" Admits Sokka.

"He was an assassin Sokka" Informs Jet as he pulls out a knife and thrusts it into a nearby stump. It's a sinister looking curved blade. On top of the knife there's a small ring.

"See? There's a compartment for the poison in the knife" Explains Jet as he pulls on the ring and removes a small tube filled with red liquid.

"He was sent to eliminate me, you helped save my life Sokka" Finishes Jet.

"I knew there was an explanation" Says Katara relieved.

"I didn't see any knife!" Complains Sokka.

"That's because he was concealing it" Replies Jet calmly while Mizuki raises a brow in disbelief.

"See, Sokka? I'm sure you just didn't notice the knife" Mentions Katara as she looks at Sokka.

"There was no knife! I'm going back to the hut and packing my things" Shouts Sokka annoyed as he stomps away.

"I'm gonna go check up on Sokka" Says Mizuki as she leaves the hut.

"Tell me you guys aren't leaving yet. I really need your help" Pleads Jet.

"What can we do?" Asks Aang.

"The Fire Nation is planning on burning down our forest. If you guys use waterbending to fill the reservoir, we could fight the fires. But if you leave now, they'll destroy the whole valley" Explains Jet.


"Hey Sokka" Says Mizuki calmly as she enters the hut. Sokka stops packing his stuff and looks at her.

"Hey Mizuki, what's up?" Asks Sokka.

"I don't trust Jet either. Besides, I'm pretty sure that the knife he showed us was Smellerbee's knife" Answers Mizuki.

"It wouldn't surprise me" Replies Sokka annoyed.

"So, what do we do? Katara and Aang still trust Jet" Asks Mizuki as she sits down on a mat next to Sokka.

"I'm not sure" Sighs Sokka frustrated.

"Well, let's just keep an eye on Jet and his gang for now. Okay?" Suggests Mizuki while patting Sokka's shoulder.

"Yeah" Answers Sokka as he smiles at Mizuki.

"We can't leave now with the Fire Nation about to burn down a forest!" Complains Katara as she enters the hut. Mizuki looks confused at Katara.

"A forest?" Asks Mizuki in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, a forest! We need to help Jet" Replies Katara determined.

"I'm sorry Katara. Jet's very smooth, but we can't trust him" States Sokka.

"You know what I think? You're jealous that he's a better warrior and a better leader!" Snaps Katara.

"Katara!" Scolds Mizuki as she crosses her arms. Katara looks down, annoyed.

"Katara I'm not jealous of Jet. It's just that my instict-" Shouts Sokka but he gets cut off by Katara.

"Well my instincts tell me we need to stay here a little longer and help Jet. Come on Aang" Exclaims Katara before turning around.

"Sorry Sokka, and you too Mizuki" Apologizes Aang before following Katara who's leaving the hut.

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