Chapter 51 - Wei Jin and Jin Wei

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- Third POV -

"All clear, we're almost to the other side" Exclaims the canyon guide. Aang airbends himself down the rock he had been sleeping on and approaches Katara and Sokka.

"Katara, Sokka, will these people cooperate long enough to get out of the canon?" Asks Aang.

"I don't think so Aang, the Zhangs really wronged the Gan Jins. They ambushed Jin Wei and stole the sacred orb" Sighs Katara.

"What are you talking about?" Says Aang confused.

"Yeah Katara, what are you talking about? Wei Jin didn't steal the orb, he was returning it to their village gate and was wrongfully punished by the Gan Jin" States Sokka.

"Not punished enough if you ask me" Scoffs Katara while Sokka groans frustrated.

"Okay, okay, I get it! Now I need your help, I need everyone together at the base of the canyon wall" Says Aang before he takes off on his glider.

"Please everyone, as soon as we get out of here we can eat and then go our separate ways, but I need you all to put your heads together and figure out a way up this cliff" Shouts Aang.

"Maybe the Zhang can climb the wall with their long disgusting fingernails" Mocks the Gan Jin's leader.

"Oh sorry, I forgot that to the Gan Jin unclipped fingernails is a crime punishable by twenty years in jail!" Snaps the Zhang's leader.

"Why, you dirty thief!"

"You pompous fool!" The tribes begin to argue loudly again.

"Guys, focus! How many times do I have to say it? Harsh words won't solve problems, actions will!" Yells Aang clearly.

"Perhaps the Avatar is right" Sighs the Gan Jin's leader.

"Yes, perhaps he is" Agrees the Zhang's leader while Aang happily grins at the two leaders.

"Harsh words will never solve our problems" Begins the Zhang's leader.

"Action will!" Both of the leaders draw their swords while Aang's jaw drops.

"To the death! And let this be the end of this rivalry!" The leaders start fighting each other.

"You know, I take it back. Harsh words aren't so bad!" Exclaims Aang nervously. The two leaders ignore him as they begin to fight. They are evenly matched and continue to fight until Aang blows them apart with a strong gust of air. The two tribes go flying backwards due the impact of Aang's airbending. Suddenly, a large amount of hidden food is revealed.

"Is Everyone smuggled food down here? Unbelievable! You guys put our lives in danger because you couldn't go without a snac for a day? You're all awful!" Shouts Aang frustrated, however, the moment he notices a custard tart he stops frowning.

"So that an egg custard in that tart?" Mumbles Aang while Katara turns around to see dozens of canyon crawlers approaching.

"Oh no, that's a lot of canyon crawlers!" Gulps Katara nervously while Sokka takes out his boomerang.

"We barely survived one!" Exclaims Sokka worriedly.

"They're coming back for me! They've had a taste and they're coming back for me!" Panics the guide.

"Sokka, wait. I don't care about this stupid feud, I just want us to get out here alive" Admits Katara

"Me too. I only took their side cause they fed me" Replies Sokka. Aang's fighting off the canyon crawlers, and soon as them all in a pile. However, the crawlers pick themselves up and target the refugees. Though Aang, Katara, Sokka and the tribe leaders fight hard to hold them off, they are out numbered. Aang looks around and notices the crawlers eating the food out of the bags.

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