Chapter 30 - buffalo or bison?

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- Third POV -

Katara is in the back of a Fire Nation carriage with other earthbender prisoners. She wears a brown, tattered prison garb over her blue Water Tribe outfit and stares glumly at the ground. Sokka, Mizuki and Aang each have conical yellow hats in a crowd, attempting to stealthily observe Katara's travel. Katara looks longingly over her shoulder as the cart bobs along a pier, heading towards a waiting barge on the ocean. Aang, Mizuki and Sokka chase the barge, flying on Appa through the clouds. Mizuki stares nervously at the barge carrying Katara to the prison, Sokka notices this.

"She'll be fine Mizuki, Katara knows what she's doing" Reassures Sokka. After the barge arrives six prisoners, including Katara, line up on the deck of the prison. Spear-wielding guards stand at both sides. The prison warden approaches the prisoners.

"Earthbenders. It's my pleasure to welcome you aboard my modest shipyard. I am your warden. I prefer to think of you not as prisoners, but as honored guests. And I hope you come to think of me as your humble and caring host. You will succeed here if you simply abide-" The warden gets interrupted by a prisoner in line who's coughing. With no forewarning, the warden leaps into the air and aims a blast of fire at the prisoner's legs in anger. The prisoner cowers away for his own safety as the warden stands defiantly in front of the man.

"What kind of guest dishonors his host by interrupting him?! Take him below! One week in solitary will improve his manners. Simply treat me with the courtesy that I give you" States the warden while making gestures with his hands to emphasize his words. He approaches Katara and slightly bows down, to make eye contact with her. Katara glares angrily at the warden with hatred in her eyes.

"And we'll get along famously" Says the warden with a smug look on his face. The prisoners are taken on a tour of the facility. Below, fellow prisoners are seen laboring.

"You will notice, earthbenders, that this rig is made entirely of metal. You are miles away from any rock or earth. So, if you have any illusions about employing that brutish savagery that passes for bending among you people...forget them. It is impossible. Good day" Finishes the warden. Katara pauses and glances at the tremendous ocean. A guard escorts the prisoners into the prison courtyard. Katara enters last and the metal gates closes behind her. Among many earthbender prisoners, Haru takes notice of Katara. Above the courtyard, a watchman and the warden monitor the prisoners.

"Katara?" Says Haru in a surprised tone.

"Haru!" Exclaims Katara as she hugs Haru.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Haru confused while he lets go of Katara.

"It's my fault you where captured. I came to rescue you" Explains Katara. Haru's eyes widen in shock.

"So, you got yourself arrested?" Asks Haru.

"It was the only way to find you" Replies Katara.

"You've got guts Katara. I'll give you that" Admitted Haru as he put his hand on Katara's shoulder.

"Come on. There's someone I want you to meet" Beams Haru. The two approach an old, grey-bearded man eating dinner among other prisoners.

"Katara, this is my father Tyro. Dad, this is Katara" Says Haru as he introduces the two. Haru's father looks up at Katara who slightly bows.

"It's a honor to meet you" Beams Katara. Tyro hands Katara a bowl.

"Have some dinner Katara" Says Tyro. Katara accepts the bowl, but grimaces.

"It's not as bad as it looks" Reassures Tyro. Katara tries a spoonful, but becomes further disgusted. Tyro chuckles slightly.

"It's still pretty bad though" Admits Tyro. A prisoner walks up to Tyro and puts his hand on Tyro's shoulder.

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