Chapter 68 - ice dodging

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- Third POV -

Zuko, Iroh, and the young woman followed Mizuki's scent with the help of Nyla to the Makapu village. As the citizens flee from Nyla in terror, the shirshu stops in front of Aunt Wu's building. Aunt Wu remains outside her building, completely calm while Tora tries to drag her inside.

"Wu, it's not safe to stay here. I'm telling you-" Exclaims Tora worriedly.

"Why are we stopping?" Asks Zuko annoyed.

"Because the girl must have spent a lot of time here" States the woman. Upon hearing these words, Tora raises an eyebrow. Girl? Who are they talking about?

"We have no time for this!" Shouts Zuko as he gets off Nyla and hangs the necklace in front of the animal's face. Tora eyes widen out of surprise. Isn't that Katara's necklace? Or Mizuki's? The shirshu appears agitated and he snaps at Zuko, who swiftly ducks.

"Hey! Watch it!" Yells Zuko at June.

"Oh look, he likes you!" Chuckles the woman.

"Uhm, where'd you get that necklace?" Asks Tora awkwardly.

"Do you know who this belongs to?" Threathens Zuko as he grabs Tora's collar. Tora slightly blushes and looks away.

"I dont" Mumbles Tora. It's better if I don't tell him. He looks dangerous, I don't want him to hurt Mizuki. Zuko glares at Tora for a second before he lets go off his collar and walks back to the shirshu. Aunt Wu approaches Iroh.

"Care to hear your fortune, handsome?" Flirts Aunt Wu while Tora sweatdrops. This is embarrassing...

"At my age, there's really only one big surprise left, and I'd just as soon leave it a mystery" Replies Iroh as he climbs onto Nyla's back. Zuko does the same. The three leave on the shirshu's back. As soon as they're gone, Tora rushes inside his house and grabs some paper. He starts writing a letter.

'Hey Mizuki, it's me, Tora.

I just wanted to let you know that some hot guy with a ponytail is trying to track you down with a betrothal necklace?

I'm not sure if he's your ex with anger issues or someone trying to capture you, since you're the dualbender.

I never really thought about it but, you must be wanted by the Fire Nation. Am I right?

Anyways, I hope you're doing okay.

Things here have been a bit boring, we've been cleaning up the village after the volcano errupted, but that's about it.

I'm not expecting a fast reply, and by the time you get this letter, you might already have confronted the angry guy.

However, if you don't reply, I'm going to assume you're dead so...please reply as soon as possible?'

Tora examines the letter before folding it. That should be enough, now let's see. How do I get this letter to Mizuki?


"Ice dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery, and trust. In our village, ice dodging was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs" Explains Bato as he gets onto the deck of his boat. Sokka, Katara, Mizuki, and Aang follow him.

"How are we supposed to ice dodge without ice?" Asks Sokka confused.

"You'll be dodging those" States Bato as he points to a group of tall, sharp, jagged rocks near the shore. The teenagers gulp nervously.

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