Chapter 17 - Momo

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- Zuko's POV -

"My search party is ready. Once I'm out to sea, my guards will escort you back to your ship and you'll be free to go" Says Zhao. Ugh, why won't he just let me go.

"Why? Are you worried I'm going to try and stop you?" I snapped, Zhao starts to laugh. What's so funny?

"You? Stop me? Impossible" Says Zhao in an amused tone. I stand up out of anger.

"Don't underestimate me, Zhao! I will capture the Avatar before you!" I shout.

"Prince Zuko, that's enough" Says Iroh in a stern tone while he stands up.

"You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of war ships under my command and you? You're just a banished prince. No home, no allies. Your own father doesn't even want you" States Zhao confidently.

"You're wrong! Once I deliver the Avatar to my father, he will welcome me home with honor, and restore my rightful place on the throne!" I yell at him.

"If your father really wanted you home, he would have let you return by now, Avatar or no Avatar. But in his eyes you are a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation" Continues Zhao, I grit my teeth out of anger.

"That's not true" I argue.

"You have the scar to prove it" Replies Zhao. That's it. With a cry of frustration, I jolt up out of the chair and stare at Zhao in anger.

"Maybe you'd like one to match!" I yell furiously.

"Is that a challenge?" Says Zhao, slightly mocking me.

"An Agni Kai. At sunset" I answered.

"Very well. It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle will do" Says Zhao while he stands up and turns around.

"Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you dueled a master?" Says my uncle in a worried tone.

"I will never forget"


- Third POV -

The lemur erects his ears as Aang jumps down on the ground behind him and launches forward. The lemur jumps out of the way. The animal escapes as he runs through some ripped drapes, which once formed a tent.

"Hey! Come back! Come on out, little lemur! That hungry guy won't bother you anymore" Shouts Aang while he follows the lemur. Aang pushes the decaying curtain of drapes out of the way and looks around trying to find the lemur. Aang walks up to another curtain of drapes. He looks in the room, but suddenly takes a sharp breath in shock. He sees several skeletons dressed in Fire Nation uniforms lying scattered over the floor. Then he sees a skeleton lying in the snow, surrounded by many more skeletons of Fire Nation soldiers.

"Firebenders? They were here?" Gasped Aang. Suddenly Aang sees that the skeleton in the middle is adorned with a round necklace that supports the symbol of airbending. Aang's eyes are trembling with sadness and he tries to hold back his tears.

"Gyatso" Mumbles Aang devastated. Aang drops to his knees lets out a mournful sigh. Sokka arrives as he pulls the drapes aside and looks around.

"Hey, Aang! You find my dinner yet?" Asks Sokka happily. Then he sees Aang sitting on his knees, his head cupped in his hands. Sokka walks toward him, reassuring.

"Aang, I wasn't really going to eat the lemur, okay?" He approaches Aang with a smile on his face, but shakes his head and does a double take.

"Oh, man" Sokka places a hand on Aang's shoulder, in an attempt to comfort him.

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