
1.3K 30 5

Alright, the voting finally ended. Here's the results:

-Changing the writing style-

Novel-style - 5

Script-style - 1

Those who don't care about the writing style because they're chads - 2

-Adding the rigging-

Yus - 18

Nu - 1

Koff - 0

Bruh - 0

*yoooown* - 0

As I said, I'll be removing the skills entirely. As for the rigging, it would take a while before the MC gets it so, we'll have to wait for a little bit.

This book will go through several re-writtings, so the new chapters that were supposed to be released will be delayed.

That is all. Stay safe, everyone.

Oh, and hide your C R I S P W H I T E S H E E T S because Trigger will walk all over it with his dirty boots.

Azur Lane: Shattered Skies (Azur Lane x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now