Mighty Wings

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"The lights in the sky are stars, while the lights on the seas are all enemies... Commander, will there really be a day without fighting?"



Azur Lane Base
Hangar 1
1040 Hours

(Y/n) climbed out from the cockpit of his fighter plane. As he touched the ground, he suddenly heard someone calling out to him. He looked to the side, only to see Monica running to him.

"Monica? Why are you here? You should've stayed at the hospital." (Y/n) said to her. "More importantly, where's Monarch?"

Monica panted, taking a few deep breaths and recomposed herself. "I... I left her in the infirmary. I want to go to the battle and help you, but you've already finished it..."

"Monica." (Y/n) said her name sternly, causing her to flinch. "Don't pull an Enterprise on me. You're ship is still under repair, and I did NOT give the permission for you to engage in combat."

"..." Monica frowned. "I... I'm sorry..."

(Y/n) sighed, finally allowing himself to cool down. "Look, I may be going too harsh on you but please understand. First, you're my daughter, so I have the obligation to protect you. Second, Observer Alpha is after me and you, so we need to stay on high alert."

"Why?" Monarch came in, oddly calm. "She wants to take Monica away?"

Oddly enough, Monarch became protective of Monica, which completely surprised (Y/n). When they met for the first time, she was a tough shell to crack and had the cold demeanor that would put the coldness of the north to shame. But now, her personality completely changed.

"Most likely." (Y/n) confirms. "Since she came from an alternate world, she will be the primary target for high-class Sirens."

"What should we do, then?" Monarch asks.

"I'll request for additional anti-air and anti-ship defenses." (Y/n) said. "If those bastards come, I'll never let them do as they please. I'll do what my grandfather taught me to - kill them all."

"Master." Belfast walks in, holding a tablet. "A representative from the Philippines wants to talk to you."

Now that was quite the surprise. He hasn't heard about them for quite a while. The Philippines hadn't made contact with Azur Lane since the war between Crimson Axis and Azur Lane had occured, and was, at the time, probably preparing for an all-out war should Crimson Axis attack them.

(Y/n) gestured at the nearby table. "Place it over there."

Belfast did so and walked to the table. She placed the tablet, the screen facing them. Seconds later, a black-haired male wearing a suit appeared on the screen, facing the camera.

"Hello, Commander." The representative spoke. "I hope I didn't catch you in a bad time."

"No worries, Mr. Gonzales." (Y/n) said. "Carry on."

Gonzales cleared his throat before he continued. "Have you recieved any reports about the Sirens' strange activities?"

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked.

Gonzales pulled out a photo and held it near the camera. "This."

The photo contained an image of a massive black circular structure, with hundreds of Siren ships varying in different classes, ranging from suicide boats to aircraft carriers. In the middle was a portal of some sort, dark red in color.

"What in the world...?" (Y/n) mumbled. Somehow, he could feel something was wrong in it. Very wrong.

"This thing appeared 3000 kilometers away from our border, which is very close in our standards." Gonzales continued as he puts back the photo into the folder. "We simply observed it for the past few days, but with the rising in numbers of Siren ships coming out from that thing, Philippines and Indonesia were preparing if they did move in to attack. Malaysia and Vietnam said they'll help as well, should things escalate."

Azur Lane: Shattered Skies (Azur Lane x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now