Chapter 34 - spirit world

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- Third POV -

"Uncle, where are you?" Shouts Zuko who's searching for Iroh through the woods.

"Sir, maybe he thought you left without him" Suggests a soldier from Zuko's crew.

"Something's not right here. That pile of rocks" States Zuko.

"It looks like there's been a landslide, sir" Says another soldier.

"Land doesn't slide uphill. Those rocks didn't move naturally. My uncle's been captured by earthbenders!" Concludes Zuko. Iroh's been captured by the soldiers. They are riding ostrich horses, one soldier carries a torch with him for light.

"Where are you taking me?" Asks Iroh.

"We're taking you to face justice" Answers a soldier grumpy.

"Right, but where, specifically?" Continues Iroh.

"A place you're quite familiar with, actually. You once laid siege to it for 600 days, but it would not yield to you" Mocks one of the Earth Kingdom soldiers.

"Ah, the great city of Ba Sing Se. After 600 days away from home, my men were tired, and I was tired" Says Iroh while yawning.

"And I'm still tired" Mumbles Iroh as he lets himself fall off the ostrich horse's back. The soldier halts the ostrich horse, picks up Iroh and puts him back onto the back of the animal. However, Iroh leaves one of his sandals behind.


"Aang! Over here! Help!" Yells Sokka.

"Hang on Sokka!" Shouts Aang back. Aang pulls out his hand, trying to free Sokka. Sokka grunts, trying to reach him. However, before he can grab him, the spirit fades away, taking Sokka with him. Aang shouts and falls in front of a bear-like statue, knocked out. A couple of hours later, Aang awakens.

"Sokka!" Exclaims Aang as he realizes he's lost him.

"I failed" Mutters Aang sorrowful. Katara and Mizuki are waiting at the village's entrance for Sokka and Aang's return. The old man approaches them.

"I'm sure they'll be back" Comforts the man. He places a blanket around the two girls.

"You girls should get some rest" Says the old man.

"Everything's going to be okay" Mumbles Katara in an attempt to comfort herself.

"Your brother is in good hands. I would be shocked if the Avatar returned without him" Reassures the man. As he is speaking, Aang approaches.

"Mizuki? Katara? I lost him" Says Aang upset.

"The sun is rising. Perhaps he will return soon" States the old man.

"Maybe" Mutters Mizuki who's upset about the fact that she failed to protect Aang.

"What? No, I'm right here!" Exclaims Aang as he waves his hand in front of Mizuki's face, only to realize that he's blue. The sunlight shines right through him.

"I'm in the Spirit world!" Shrieks Aang.


Zuko's following a path and suddenly he notices a familiar looking sandal laying on the ground. He picks it up and sniffs it.

"Yeah, that's uncle Iroh" Says Zuko as he looks disgusted at the sandal.

"It's no use Appa. I don't see them anywhere. Our best hope is to get back to the village and wait. I'm sure Aang will be back soon" Says Katara as she re-directs Appa towards the village's direction. Zuko, who's following the ostrich horse feetprints notices Appa.

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