Chapter 37 - Shyu

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- Third POV -

"We got into the Fire Nation. Great" Says Sokka meekly. Mizuki, Katara and Sokka grimace in terror.

"Where do you think the Avatar and dualbender are headed sir?" Asks the captain.

"I'm not sure" Answers Zhao, he turns aside, and gazes at Zuko's smoking ship.

"But I bet a certain banished prince will know" He finishes.


Zuko's small vessel approaches the two ships in the blockade. These two ships sail opposite directions, in a moment they will close off Zuko's ship's path.

"We're on a collision course!" Exclaims Iroh.

"We can make it!" Says Zuko confidently.

"The boarding party is ready to apprehend prince Zuko, sir" Says the captain as he stands ahead of a squad of nine firebenders.

"Wait! Cut the engines and let them pass" Demands Zhao.

"Sir?" Says the captain confused. Each ship in the blockade halts, allowing Zuko's ship to glide by beneath their deck, untouched. Zhao stands high, sharing an interlocked gaze with the banished prince below. Zuko and Iroh look behind them in silence as they sail safely through. Iroh strokes his gray beard.


Appa's flying through the blue skies. Sokka, Mizuki and Katara are sitting in the saddle, while Aang sits on Appa's head. The sky had changed to a darker, sunset-filled evening. Appa is visibly tired. Aang is sprawled over Appa's head with Momo equally sprawled over Aang's head. Sokka's laying on the back of the saddle next to Katara while Mizuki's resting her head on Katara's shoulder.

"There it is! The island where Roku's dragon took me" Beams Aang. Momo is jumping up and down out of excitement. Sokka, Mizuki and Katara pop up in the saddle. They look at the Crescent Island and it's smoking volcano as Appa descends. Appa's laying down at the base of a stone bridge leading up to the island's mountain. The bridge ends at an elegant, multi-story Fire Temple. Lava is flowing beneath the bridge and the air is thick with steam. Aang stands by Appa's head, Mizuki and Katara are standing next to Appa's right side. Sokka is stretching furter away.

"You did it buddy, nice flying" Compliments Aang as he rubs against Appa's head. Appa rolls to his side to wave his three legs into the air lazily.

"Aww" Says Katara in awe. Mizuki approaches Appa.

"You must be tired" She says while petting Appa.

"No! I'm good. Refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders!" Replies Sokka as he continues to work out and flex his muscles.

"I was talking to Appa" Answers Mizuki dryly.

"Well...I was talking to Momo!" Exclaims Sokka as he points to the lemur. Mizuki rolls her eyes at him and slighly chuckles.


Katara, Mizuki, Sokka, Aang and Momo are walking along the stone bridge to approach a Fire Temple.

"I don't see any guards" Mentions Sokka.

"The Fire Nation must have abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku died" Guesses Katara.

"I don't think so, it would be strange if the Fire Nation would just abandon this temple. I mean, it belonged to an Avatar" States Mizuki.

"Maybe" Shrugs Sokka.

"It's almost sundown, we better hurry!" Exclaims Aang. The group leaps over the wall and charges for the front door. The teenagers tip-toe through an enormous chamber with fire-decor columns.

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