13. Surprises

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It was after school and after dinner Luigi decided to pay Eden a visit. He looked forward to it. He was driven with his fathers men to the chemist. As the car parked in front of the building, he didn't get off.

He was now reading the banner on the now closed  shop that said sold on it. He noticed a smaller print at the bottom of  the banner. It was an address for the new shop. Obviously had relocated.

The guards in the car asked him. " Sir. Is there a problem?"

Luigi shook his head "No. Not really." He then told the guards to drive off to the new location. They had relocated to a street that was part of the Bellagio territory. It was actually closer to his house. But he was more worried about why they had relocated. Was there a problem? That was all he cared about. It was nice to be nearer to Eden. But he had to make sure he got to the bottom why this move had happened.

He was driven to the new location. He dismissed the guards and told them to drive off after he got off. He took a good look at the new shop. It seemed bigger from the outside and much busier by the looks of it.

Luigi walked inside and scanned the busy chemist. There were a couple of shop assistants behind the counter now as there were more customers. This was a good area. Obviously business was booming for the Carters. He walked over to find Ethan walk from behind the shop with a box. He handed it to a guy "The delivery address is on it. Please deliver it on time." It seemed that they had hired a delivery driver too.

Ethan waved when he saw Luigi. He walked to him and said "I am glad you found us... Sorry, the move happened so suddenly I didn't get the chance to tell you about it. Let's go to the back room and hang out."

When they reached the back room, Luigi sat down on a chair behind a round table and Ethan sat opposite him.

Luigi asked "Why did you move?"

Ethan said "My father decided it. He arranged for it and did not even warn us about it. He said now that we can afford to buy a bigger shop, why not move to a nicer place? We have so many new contracts, there is some money left in the bank. Dad had to invest it. Eden was so upset about it."

Luigi said "Why was she upset. It seems like a good business decision. You have more customers and shop assistants."

Ethan said "The problem is not the shop relocating here... The problem is having to move school."

Luigi said "You have to move school?"

Ethan said "Yes. We haven't moved house or anything but our father will be coming to work every day and he can drop us off this way on his way to work and picked us up too at the end of the day. He used to drive us to our old school and drop us off and picked us up every day. It was hard for him to pick us up though when he had no assistants. Some local friend used to cover the shop while he did that. So now he said we have to go to a school locally here. He has plenty of assistants and he can even come to our school events and watch us play sports and stuff like that."

Luigi said "These are not negative points. You said Eden is upset. Why? There are plenty of good schools around here. I can recommend a few." He hoped she picked his school.

Ethan said "Well. The problem for Eden is ... our father picked our school for us. Without consulting us he went ahead and submitted application forms for us. We have places now. But Eden is not happy with the choice of school."

Luigi asked "Why not?"

Ethan pulled out a small business card from his jacket pocket and showed it to Luigi "It's a private school. She prefers a public school."

Luigi's heart jumped. That was his school. He was so happy. But he could not be jumping in joy in front of Ethan. So he nodded with a passive face "Right. I see..." He allowed Ethan to continue.

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