52. Mercenary

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Lena was sitting down with Eden having breakfast in the cafeteria at the hotel. There were only ladies or young children in the cafeteria. The men and boys were in meetings since this morning and ate and drank elsewhere for the time being.

Eden said "I wish Gabriella could join us at this table for breakfast... But I guess she was pulled to other tables by different ladies who seem to be having breakfast with her mother... I don't know half of them... But they seem to be bombarding her with questions and discussions ... Look.People keep joining their tables to hers to talk to her... What's going on?"

Lena sighed "I can tell she is not enjoying the attention that much... The people here are thrilled about what she and Gianluca did last night... Who wouldn't be? Its a bigger deal than you can imagine... Gabriella and Gianluca managed to stop a war by going to Christian because they are close to the Kavannaghs. The people here are mostly congratulating her and trying to get close to her... After the news has spread, everyone wants to talk to her about it.... I bet Gianluca is questioned and is as popular during the business meetings that's happening now amongst the men...."

Eden said "What's new though? Your family and Gabriela's family are quite popular. Everyone tries to get close to your family members and hers. People try to get close to Gabriella and you all the time but they respect your personal time and your meal times alot... People do try to leave you in peace for some time in a public place before crowding around you and inviting you to places or activities... You must be getting a hundred invitations a week..."

Lena gave a smile "I did not ask for this much attention... It wasn't like this always... Slowly as I grew up and got older I am more included in whatever communication my mother is getting... Gabriella is getting more and more attention too.. Basically its part of the roles of wives and daughters in crime families to keep good relations with their counterparts... My mother is not that outgoing and likes to avoid gatherings and attention but she interacts with those women of her class and attends their events as much as she can out of duty when she is put on the spot like how she is now at this hotel. Gabriella's mother is more outgoing..."

Eden asked "I have noticed the difference between your mother's approach and Gabriella's mother... Why is your mother not so keen to respond to attention? Gabriella's mother seems to embrace it more." 

Lena sighed "My mother doesn't talk about it much... I hear about it from those around me and not her... But its to do with her family... My mother is a Marino... In her youth she had alot of suitors... She married my father out of love but so many others loved her... Some suitors madly loved her and some suitors may have not been in love with her that much but wanted to marry her  because of her status and getting close to her family. The Marino family are a well known family in Sicily... Much like the Marchetti family whom Gabriella's mother belongs to... So now my mother tries to keep out of public eye... She rejected so many men back in the day... Some of them are very powerful. Some were not even from places New York or any where close but were from outside America too..."

Eden asked "But why would your mother choose to hide away from the public? Its not her fault many men loved her..."

Lena shrugged "I dont expect you to understand... Well you dont know my father... My father is very powerful. No one dares mess with him and his family... If they do, they would disappear.... So my mother doesn't want people to die if you know what I mean.... If anyone is too friendly with her they die at my fathers hands. My mother wants to have a happy family life and not give her husband an excuse to kill people if they dare look at her the wrong way... She is not exactly hiding though. She does her duty but if she said yes to all event invitations and dinner time gatherings she wouldn't be home at all or she would be out of the country most of the time... She has chosen family over her career in some ways too... She could be a successful businesswomen who travelled the world but she tries to stay away from attention and some global opportunities."

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