Chapter 2

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*Ze's POV*

As soon as we pull into the school parking lot, everyone in all three cars jump out and we all walk into school together. Here at YouTube High, we are one of the biggest and one of the most popular groups. We all are class clowns, A students, and we are super nice... well, when we want to be. So, when we walk into the building, it's no shocker that almost everyone turn to watch us walk in.

I can hear a lot of girls squealing as we walk by, and I can hear some of them talking about who they ship with who. I love that they do these silly little shippings. It's always fun seeing who they like seeing us with, even if it isn't who we ever thought we could be with.

Anyways, we all walk to our lockers and we start talking about random stuff. Since Kevin is next to Aleks and James, he starts talking to them about getting in a few games of GMod Murder after school. I pull out my books for my first class and as I start to close my locker, I freeze when I see him.

Anthony Chaos, aka Chilled. My heart starts to speed up as I see him, Max (Gassy), Adam (Nanners), Renée, and John (Smarty) walk towards us. I've been here for about two years now, so how could I forget that the school put the Bros Angels, another very popular group, next to us. I quickly turn away from them as they get to their lockers and I join into the conversation Kevin, Aleks, and James are having.

"Yeah, we're in," Aleks answers.

"Wait, why are you answering for me. Do I not have a say in this."

"Are you not in?"

"No, I'm in, but I would like to answer for myself."

Aleks rolls his eyes and says, "Why am I dating you again?"

James wraps his arm around Aleks, pulls him close to him, and says, "Because you love me, you idiot." Aleks's face turns bright red, he wraps his arms around James' neck, and Kevin and I just stand there as they start to lean in.

"Ew, no; none of that shit in front of us single men," I interrupt, turning my head away from them, accidentally looking back towards the Bros Angels. Weird. When I looked over to them, I think I saw Chilled looking over towards us, but he turned back to his locker when I looked over.

"Since when did you become a man, Ze," James asks.

"What? I've always been a man! I'm the manliest of men," I say, puffing my chest out, and standing on my tip-toes, trying to seem taller.

"Right, cause all men say 'ew' and stand on their tip-toes," Aleks says, pushing me over using one finger. I fall back, landing on my ass and I hear James, Aleks, and Kevin start to laugh at me. I can also hear a little chuckle that sounds a little familiar, but I choose to ingore it. I look up and see Kevin get down on one knee and hold out one hand. I take it and he helps me up.

The bell rings and we go our own way to class. I have my first class with Seamus and Jordan. This might be fun.

When we get to class, Seamus and Jordan lead me to the back of class and we sit in the very last row. I look towards the door and see Adam, Gassy, Renée, and Chilled all walk in. You have to be kidding me. And to make things even better, they all sit right in front of us. So throughout class, I have to stare at Anthony's head. This is just what I needed.

---------------------Time Skip-----------------------

Once the bell ring, we all start to walk to our lockers, and Jordan can't wait to start ranting. "I can't believe we have the same class as those jerks."

"Jordan, I know you hate the Bros Angels, but please, can we not try to start shit with them," I ask.

Every year, since the Bros Angels was created by both Chilled and Gassy, Jordan has always been itching to find a reason to fight with them. Everyone here knows that us two groups hate each other (kind of... not really) and that we have always been trying to annoy each other, but it's starting to get old. I'm tired of hear Jordan try to come up with a plan to get the Bros Angels expelled from school or kicked off of YouTube, or whatever. I'm tired of trying to outdo a bunch of awesome, funny gamers, who are really cool people. And most of all, I'm tired of having to pretend to hate someone I once called my best friend, and that I have strong feelings for.

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant