Chapter 10

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*Ze's POV*

(In the SpongeBob's narrator voice) *Two Hours Later*

Kevin and I had gotten home two hours ago and decided to put on a movie to pass the time as we waited for Jordan to get home. So far, Kevin has been a good friend and hasn't tried to make me tell him about what happened at the party, which I'm happy about.

We're almost done with the movie The Emperor's New Groove (Because the movie is awesome), when the front door opens and three of the missing Creatures come inside. Seamus and Spoon just quickly say goodnight to us and run upstairs to do God only knows what, and Jordan stands on the first step on the stairs.

"You ready to talk about what happened at the party, Ze?" I nod. "Do you want to talk here or in your room?"

I look at Kevin and then back to Jordan. "Let's talk in my room." I can't let Kevin know about what Chilled did.

"Alright. Then let's go. I'll wait for you in your room."

He walks upstairs and I turn to Kevin. "I'll be back in a little bit. Sorry, Kev."

"It's alright. I hope you feel better after talking to Hordan," he says with a smile.

I smile back before standing up and walking up to my room. When I get there, I see Jordan sitting on my bed with his legs crossed. I close to door behind me, walk over, and take a seat next to him.

"So, what happened back there," he asks. "When Kevin dragged you off to the other room you were fine, everything seemed pretty normal, but then Kevin came back into the kitchen without you and, like, 10 minutes later, you came in begging us to take you home. What happened?"

I take a deep breath and say, "Before I say anything, I need you to promise you won't get mad."

"I promise. So what happened?"

"Well, after I left Kevin in the living room, I went to the bathroom. And... well... while I was in there... someone came in and... and without saying anything... they walked up to me and... th-they kissed me!"

"What?! No way man! Who were they, and were they hot?!"

"That's why I asked you not to get mad. The person who kissed me... it was Chilled."


"Jordan, please calm down!"

"Calm down! How am I supposed to calm down after hearing this!"

"Jordan, that's why I needed to talk to you! You know that I use to have a crush on Chilled when he was a Creature, and well, it never left! But I never thought he would be into me, so I've been trying to see myself with other people. But this. I don't know what to think! I didn't kiss him back and I ran away before he could do anything else, but a part of me wanted to go back and kiss him back. My heart wants to turn back time and kiss him, but my head is telling me running was the best decision I made. I mean, after all this time, why did he decide to kiss me now? Why did he not say anything when we were in the bathroom?"

"And I bet part of you is wondering if this is just part of one of their stupid plan to mess with us."

Well I do now!

"Jordan, what should I do?"

"Really Ze, I don't know. I guess I'll have to say... try your best to stay away from Chilled. We don't know what's going through his head, but we don't need him to mess with your mind. Just try to pretend like nothing happened."

"So... ignore it. That's your advise?"

"At least try to. I know it isn't the best advise, but it's all I have right now. Look, go to bed, or go back downstairs and finish watching your movie with Kevin. Do something to distract yourself from Chilled and try to relax. I think you need it."

I sigh and start to walk down the stairs to rejoin Kevin in the living room. I guess talking to Jordan wasn't the best idea, but he was the only one who knew that I liked Chilled. Plus, I was kind of hoping that he would take matters into his own hands and deal with Chilled himself, just so I could find out if Chilled actually likes me, or, as Jordan said, is just playing me. Again, what the fuck feelings! What the fuck life!

*Jordan's POV* (Oh yeah, this is happening)

I walk out of Ze's room and quickly walk into my own, shutting and locking the door behind me. I then drop onto all fours and start feeling around under my bed for a certain something. Something that no one knows I have.

After about a minute of sliding my hand back and forth, it finally brushes against something hard. I grab the corner of it and pull it out. It's a little black box with a lock and red X on it. This is just what I was looking for.

I place the box on top of my bed and then walk to my bookshelf on the other side of the room. I get onto my knees and start to reach behind the bookshelf until my hand falls upon a much smaller box. I pull it out and laugh at the tiny box that can't really hold anything, expect what I had hidden in it.

I pull the top off of the tiny box and grab the black and red key that laid inside it. Then, I walk back to my bed and use the key to open the first box. After I open it, I sit on the bed and pull it onto my lap before I start to dig through it.

The first thing I pull out is a picture of everyone in front of the Creature house before we bought it. Back before Kevin and Dex became Creatures. Back when Chilled and Gassy were still with us.

I smile remembering how hard it was to convince all of our parents that we were all more than ready to move in together and how long it took us to save enough money from YouTube and random jobs before we had about half of the money we needed. I remember how close all of us were back then, and how we thought we were always going to be there for each other. But all of that changed because of him.

I put that picture down and pull out a couple more. These ones are of just me and Gassy. They were taken about a year before we moved into the Creature house, and about five months before we had to kick Gassy out of the Creatures.

The pictures were all just us two, laying on his bed or on his floor and we were making a bunch of weird faces, just trying to make each other laugh. But then I get to the last picture in the bunch, I stop and stare at it. This picture meant so much to both me and Gass- to Max.

I place the handful of pictures down and pull out my phone. I quickly dial a number that I memorized years ago and place the phone to my ear.

It rings several times and just before I think that it is going to go to voice mail, he answers.

"What do you want," I hear him say, loud music from the party still in the background.

"We need to talk, Max. Meet me in front of the school gates at 2am. Bring no one!"

"Why would I do that? How do I know you aren't going to bring the Creatures with you?"

"I swear on my life that I'll come alone, and I know you will come when you hear what it's about."

"Oh yeah; and what's that?"

"This is about Chilled and Ze."

There's silence... expect for the music. I wait about a minute before I finally hear him say, "Is 3 okay? I'm going to have to wait for the others to pass out before I can sneak out."

"It's fine. I'll see you at 3."

And with that, I hang up. I sigh and move the box off of me and run my hand through my hair, causing my red hat to fall off. I look down to the pile of pictures and carefully pick up the last picture I was looking at. This picture meant the world to me and Max once upon a time. Now, it's nothing but a memory of heart break.

This stupid picture of Max and I in the middle of a passionate kiss.

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