Chapter 30

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(In SpongeBob's Narrator's Voice) *The Next Day*

*Ze's POV*

We all sit around the living room in silence as we eat our breakfast. Everyone still believe that James and Aleks have really broken up and some are still freaking out online, but we still have one problem. The guy who threatened Aleks.

He still hasn't messaged us, saying if he bought the lie, so as far as we know, he hasn't seen any of the posts, and he still has whatever he has on Aleks.

I look over to James and Aleks and see dark bags under their eyes. My guess is that they stayed up all night, worried about what the guy was going to do.

The silence in the room is broken when everyone's phones suddenly goes off at once. Well, everyone except Aleks and James. And when I pull out my phone and open my messages, I'm in complete shock at what I see. In a text message from an unknown number, I see a picture of Aleks in nothing but underwear with a tail, a bow tie, and bunny ears.

I look around at everyone and see that they have the same expression on their face that I have. Then I look over to James and Aleks, who just look at us, confused. This must be what that guy had on Aleks. No wonder he was so worried about it.

Jordan slowly holds his phone towards them, and James practically rips the phone out of his hand and he and Aleks stare at it in horror. "No," Aleks says in a shaky, broken voice. "Noooooo," he then screams as tears stream down his face.

"No, this is bullshit," James yells. "We told everyone online that we broke up! Why the fuck did he send this?!"

Just then, Aleks' phone goes off, telling him that he got a text message. He quickly pulls out his phone and reads the message to us. "Nice try, but I'm not a dumbass. Now, that picture was only sent to your roommates. Try that shit again, and everyone at your school will see it. ~ Kae."

I gasp. Wait, Kae was the guy behind the account?! So he's fucking with both me and Chilled as well as Aleks and James?! But why?

"How did he know that the break up was a fake," Aleks cries.

All of a sudden, his phone rings again, telling him he got a message. "I'll give you a hint on how I know you two didn't break up. How do you think I got the picture in the first place? ~ Kae"

Aleks then starts looking around at us, before looking at James with dangers in his eyes. "What the fuck did you do, James?!"

"What? You think I told him we didn't break up and I gave him the picture?! That's fucking bullshit, Aleks! I love you! I would never do that to you!"

"Then how the fuck did he get the picture?! Only you fucking had it!"

"I don't know how he got the picture!"

"Because there's no way he would have it unless someone fucking sent it to him!"

"I didn't fucking send it to him!"

"And the only ones who know that the break up was fake are in this fucking room! And what a fucking coincidence, you're one of those fucking people!"

"You have to be fucking kidding me! I would never fucking do that, Aleks!"

"So you say! But look at were we are now!"

I then see something snap in James. The anger in his face disappears and I see it become darker than it just was. Tears start dropping from his face as he says, "You know what, Aleks. I've been by your side for years. I have done nothing but love you and support you through thick and thin, and the moment something like this happens, you want to turn around and blame me for it. Really? I thought you would trust me more and would believe me when I say that I would never do this shit to you. And now I see that I was wrong, and that I've pretty much have done nothing but waste my time with you, since you will jump at the opportunity to blame me for this bullshit, and I am not going to stand for this shit. We're done, Aleksander."

"You know what, fine James! If you really fucking loved me, then-" Aleks was then cut off by another text. He reads this one to himself, and drops the phone, which lands in front of Sly, who was sitting right next to him.

Sly then picks up Aleks' phone and reads the message for him. "See; now that's better. P.S. I said think about how I got that picture. I never said someone sent it to me ;) You guys really need to keep an eye on your phones at school. You never know who can grab them. ~ Kae"

Aleks looks back to James and says, "I'm so sorry."

James just snarls at him and says, "Fuck you, asshole. I told you I would never send that fucking picture to anyone." Then he gets up and storms upstairs.

Tears starts coming down Aleks' face even more as he tries to stand up to chase after James, but Sly stops him and says, "I think you should leave him. He seems way too pissed off, and I don't think he'll want to talk to you."

Aleks then buries his face into Sly's chest and starts sobbing loudly. Petting his head, Sly looks to all of us, pain in his face, and says, "I'm going to take Aleks to his room so he can sleep or something." We just nod and watch as he picks him up and carries him out of the room.

We then wait for Aleks and Sly to be out of our sight before Kevin slides next to me and says, "I can't believe that actually happened."

"I can't believe that guy won," I say, shaking my head. "He actually broke Aleks and James up."

"You don't think he'll try to target anyone else in the group, right," Spoon asks as  he grabs Seamus' hands and pull them and him close. "I can't loose my Seamoose to that bastard."

"I don't think he will," Kevin says, shaking his head. "He probably would have made it clear that he would want you two destroyed way earlier by doing something small to ruin your relationship like he did with James and Aleks." My eyes widen in fear as I think about Kae texting Jordan and Gassy and the police, telling them that Chilled and I snuck out of the house to see each other to hang out on Make-Out Hill. Are Chilled and I his next target then?

"Besides," Kevin says. "Everyone seems to love seeing you two together, so there's no way anyone would want to destroy that."

"But still," I say, looking down to the ground. "We don't know who this guy is, or how he found out about James and Aleks' fake break-up, or their real break-up seconds after it happened. Hell, we don't even know how he got our numbers or how he got Aleks' picture. This guy is smarter than we thought, so if he wanted to destroy us, he can do it just as easily as he did with James and Aleks' relationship."

"Hey, let's not think about it for now," Kevin says, trying to change the subject. "Why don't we all watch a movie or record a few games together to keep our minds busy."

I then get up and say, "Actually, I forgot until now, I have to go set up for a session with GaLm in a hour. I'll talk to you guys later."

Then I walk upstairs and walk into my room, feeling the pain coming from the two rooms just down the hall from mine. I can't believe it. Kae won and destroyed NovaHd. If he wanted, he probably would destroy Chilled's and my relationship. I mean, he did text Jordan and Max and according to Chilled, he called the police. But how did he do all of that? Am I over thinking this? Am I worried about nothing?

Just then, my phone goes off, telling me I have a text, and fear sinks in. Slowly, I pull my phone out and open the text I have from the unknown number that I know belongs to the same fucking guy from moments ago. I feel my stomach then turn as I read the message in it.

You have every right to be worried, Ze. You and Chilled are next. But I'll be nicer to you than I was to NovaHd. If you and Chilled break up or come out to your group leaders before next Monday, then I will leave you two alone. If not, hell have no fury. ~ K.A.E.

*???'s POV*

Once I hear the door to Ze's room close, I pull out my second phone and make out the text my partner asked me to make out. Man, I should have listened to him earlier. This plan to break up Aleks and James was all too easy, and Ze and Chilled should be just as. Then, we can get started on the second part of our plan. Making Aleks and Ze ours!

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