Chapter 16

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*Jordan's POV*

I walk into my second class of the day and see Max already sitting in his seat in the back of the class. I take a quick deep breath and take my seat in front of him, remembering that I choose to sit here as payback for sitting in front of me in our first class. I wish I knew that the stupid teacher was going to make these our permanent seats. Then again, I didn't think I was going to be thinking about the past again this soon into the year.

Once I sit down, I feel something poke the back of my neck, repeatedly. I rest my head in my hand and turn slightly so I could see what's happening behind me. All I see is Max staring into my eyes before looking down to his desk. I follow his stare and see a piece of paper, folded in half, sitting at the edge of his desk. Making sure no body sees, I steal the paper off of his desk and open it so I can read it.

Where's Ze today? I made Chilled stay home today to make sure that he stayed away from him for at least one day.

I take out my pencil and quickly write down, Wow, really?! I made Ze stay home today to give him a break from Chilled, and pass the note back to him.

After a few seconds, I feel him poke the back of my neck again and I take the note back from him. Oh come on! How did we end up having the same fucking idea again?

Beats me... But thanks for having Chilled stay home today for Ze. Hope you don't go back home to see your house destroyed.

I'm more worried about going home to see if there's even a house still there and not a pile of ashes. And I wish I could say the same about your house, but Ze isn't the type to burn food to the point where it catches on fire.

I chuckle, thinking of the perfect thing to reply with, but stop as the thought comes to my mind. It is a good comeback, but it makes me think about the notes we would write to each other three years ago.


As the teacher rumbles on and on about some boring stuff for our new math lesson, I see a folded up piece of paper slide onto my desk from the only person beside me. I smile as I open the note and read, Hey Jojo, did you want to come over to my house to watch some scary movies tonight? My parents are out of town to visit my Tia, so we have the whole house to ourselves. ;)

I look over to my left and see Max staring at me through the corner of his eye, and the moment he sees that I'm looking at him, he winks at me. I giggle a little before I write, Sure Maxie. Sounds like a date. But this time, let me bring over some pizza. I don't want to be greeted by smoke and a 10 foot wall of fire again.

Oh come on, that was not a 10 foot wall of fire... if anything that was 2 feet. And that only happened like once.

It happened three times, Maxie.

Fine! You win. You can bring over pizza this time.

I then flash him a cheeky smile, which causes him to roll his eyes and laugh. "MAX, JORDAN! WHAT'S SO FUNNY BACK THERE," the teacher yells.

"Nothing," We both answer as I slide the note into my pocket to add to my collection later.


I stare at the note as my once happy little memory ends. It's so easy to talk to Max, and it's so easy to tease him. But he never cared about me. I bet he wouldn't even care if I sent him this note back.

Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes and quickly write down the stupid little comment I have in my head down, and then take a quick look at it before I folded it up and slid it into the back of my notebook.

No, that was always more of your thing, Sir 10 foot Wall.

"MAX, WHAT ARE YOU DOING," I hear the teacher yell from the front of the class. I then look behind me and see Max quickly sitting back in his seat.

"Sorry sir, but you moved on to the next slide before I was able to get down the last line on it. I was just seeing if Jordan had it in his notes."

"Well just ask and I can go back, but you only have 10 seconds, because we have to move on."

Once the teacher turns back to the front of class, I turn back to Max and whisper, "I wasn't taking any of the notes."

He just looks at me and covers him mouth with his fist, but I can still see a small smile behind it. "I know. By the way, it was more like a 2 foot wall."

Hey guys! I'm back, and this time, I'm not going anywhere, and that's a promise! I'm also going to get back to uploading a chapter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so make sure you catch them! 

Also, I wanted to say thank you guys so much for understanding that I needed to leave for a while, and I wanted to say thank you for being patient with me. Anyways, I'm going to get back to work on the next chapter.  I'll see you guys later! ;) Bye!

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