Chapter 29

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*Ze's POV*

After I wake up, Jordan calls me into the living room, where I see everyone sitting in a circle, with Aleks crying into James chest. Worried, I take a seat next to Kevin and look up to Jordan. Jordan takes a shaky, deep breath, and says, "Okay, listen here. Aleks and James showed me some terrifying emails and messages they received this morning. I'm not going to make them show you guys them as well, however I will tell you guys this. The guy who started the rumor about them is back, and now he's threatening to ruin Aleks' life."

"What," Sly says in shock. "Are you sure it's the same guy? I mean, he never replied back to us when we sent him messages before."

"We're positive it's the same guy," James answers. "He sent us messages through Tumblr through that fucking account."

"Well, what does he have on you guys," Dan asks.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT," Aleks yells into James' shirt.

"Well," Spoon then says. "What are we suppose to do? How are we going to get whatever he has back, and hopefully stop him for good."

"I think it's obvious what he wants," Kevin says, looking down at the floor. "He wants to destroy James and Aleks' relationship."

"We can't let that happen though," I quickly say. "Aleks and James have been together and have loved each other since middle school, and it is complete bullshit that they would have to break up just because this fucking asshole doesn't like them being together."

"Ze's right," Jordan yells. "We need to come up with a plan to stop this guy and get the information he has back. The only question is how are we going to do that?"

We all stay quiet as we think about how we could possibly answer this question. What feels like an hour goes by before Dex finally stands up and tells, "I've got an idea! What if we made it seem like Aleks and James broke up."

"What do you mean by that," Dan asks.

"I mean, why don't all of us go online and say that Aleks and James got in a fight or something, and say that they broke up. That way, everyone around school will think that they broke up, hence the bastard will believe the same thing."

"That's a great idea, Dex," Aleks says, finally pulling his face out of James shirt.

We all then smile at each other as we all pull out our phones and go onto every social media site we're on, including the Creature Hub website, and tell everyone the "bad news". The moment the last post was sent out, we take a deep breath and relax... For about a second.

After that one second, we started getting dozens of tweets, comments, messages, whatever! Everyone was freaking out about why Aleks and James broke up when they seemed so happy. However, in the mix of the messages, we see nothing from the guy behind the "End NovaHd" account.

This causes Aleks to scream and James to throw his phone and yell, "Why is everyone else in the world questioning why Aleks and I broke up, but the one bastard we want to hear from has gone quiet, AGAIN!"

"James, calm down."

"Calm down! You fucking want me to calm down, when some psychotic jackass has embarrassing-ass pictures of my boyfriend and is threatening to send it to the whole school! How can I fucking calm down when something this big is happening, Hordan!"

"James! We do not know if he even saw the post yet! All we know is that the school believes you two broke up, and we can assume that he might be thinking the same thing, but his message just hasn't gone through yet."

"You're too fucking positive about this," Aleks says as he glares at Jordan.

"Aleks, I have been nothing but supportive about you and James, so don't even start with that. And you know I always try to look at the bright side of things."

"Hey," Sly interrupts. "Why don't we all just got to our rooms, record some games, and try to put this behind us for now. We'll check our messages later, after everyone online calms down, and we'll be able to see if the guy even reacted to the news. And like Hordan said, let's try to see things more positive."

We all nod and start walking up to our rooms. God, for Aleks and James' sake, I hope this worked.

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