Chapter 19

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(In Spongebob's Narrator Voice) Later That Evening

*Ze's POV*

"Really; so Gassy was kicked out because of a fight between them that he started?"

"I guess, but he said that he didn't want to talk about it. And after I left his room, I swear, I heard him crying in his room."

"Seriously? Wow, I guess it must still hurt him."

"Yeah... Hey Ze, I think we should stay out of Jordan and Max's business. I don't think there's anything we can do to help them."

"Yeah, if it was this bad, I guess you're right. So what are we going to do about us?"

"We'll just secretly date and hope that they make up by themselves. And if we get caught, we can do what Romeo and Juliet and Bonnie and Clyde did, or tried to do."

"... You want us to died?"

"NO, NOT THAT! We run away together. Remember, that was Romeo and Juliet wanted to do, and Bonnie and Clyde tried to run away together while they were doing all of their robberies. So, if the guys don't accept that we're dating each other, then we'll just say fuck all of them and run away together. We'll start our own YouTube gaming group and live happily ever after."

I smile as he explains his plan. "I like the sound of that."

"So, that'll be our plan if things don't go the way we want it."


"Oh and Ze."


"Could you look outside your window right now?"

Confused, I walk to my window and look outside and see Chilled on the street on his phone, staring up at me. I then see him hung up and tilt his head towards his car and flashes me a smile. I smile back and run out of my room and run outside to meet him. I feel an amazing rush of happiness overcome me, and I jump into his arms, feeling his strong arms pull me into a tight, protective hug. I then look up at him and stand as tall as I can as he leans down to press his beautiful lips against mine.

But we then get interrupted by an loud horn that comes from nowhere and causes my ears to ring. I open my eyes and roll over only to fall out of my bed and land in a small pool of freezing cold water. Jumping out and crawling back onto my bed, I look to my door and see Jordan laughing at me in the doorway.

"Rise and shine, Ze! We have school today and this time, you're going today." I then watch him leave, leaving me freezing cold, wet, and confused.

That was a dream? But it felt so real. It couldn't have been.

I grab my phone off of the nightstand and look through the recent calls made last night. The last person I talked to was in fact Anthony, but it wasn't Chilled. It was GaLm. That's when I remember what happened last night.

I talked to Chilled last night when the others were eating dinner, and he told me everything that was said in my dream. All expect the look outside my window part. And after I talked to him, I got a call from GaLm, asking if I was alright since I wasn't at school yesterday.

Disappointed in my realization, I get up and start drying myself off with a towel that I keep in my room for when these guys' pranks get wet. Time to get ready for school.

(In SpongeBob's Narrator's Voice) *Two Hours Later*

Jordan, Seamus, and I walk into class and take our seats on the side closest to the door and watch as others, including Max, Renee, Adam, and Anthony, walk in. I then watch as the Bros Angels all sit in their seats on the other side of the room, and Chilled makes sure that we sit in the same row together.

The teacher then stands up front and starts talking about the same damn thing we learned last year, only to stop when someone's hand shoots up. "Excuse me, Ms. Jason; can I go to the bathroom?"

"Okay Chaos, but make it fast."

As Chilled then stands up and takes a hall pass, he looks at me and winks, telling me his plan. I then wait for about five minutes before I raise my hand and say the exact same thing Chilled asked. "Okay Viking, but make it fast, and I better not hear about you and Chaos fighting in the halls."

"Oh please Ms. Jason. Out of everyone in both groups, I'm really the most harmless. You don't have to worry about me picking a fight."

I then calmly walk to the front of the class, grab the other hall pass, and walk to the closest bathroom, knowing Chilled is waiting in there.

When I walk into the boys' bathroom, I see Chilled leaning against the stall door, with a grin on his face. "'Bout time; I was starting to think you weren't going to show."

"Well I didn't want to make it obvious." I then walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "There's no one in here, right?"

He slides his hands to my waist and pulls me close to him. "Nope; it's just you and me."

He then leans down and kisses me on my lips, and I'm quick to return it. After a while, we separate to catch our breath, and he makes his way down to my neck. I let out a soft moan as he moves down from my neck to my collarbone, and his hands move down to my butt. I tighten my grip on his neck as he then pulls me into the stall, slamming the door behind us.

I let go of him as he stops kissing my neck and he pushes me into the wall. He quickly grabs my arms, forcing them above my head and he goes back to kissing me, more roughly this time. I moan into our kiss, feeling both of us growing hard from the intensity of this moment.

But that ends the moment we hear the bathroom door open and footsteps come in.

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang