Chapter 28

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*Aleks' POV*

My eyes flutter open as I hear Ein crying outside James' room, wanting to be let in. I seriously want James to just move her dog bed in here so she'll be in here all night and will stop waking me up every morning, but I already know that Sly is going to pull the "PuppyChef will get lonely" card, so I push that out of my mind.

Anyways, I roll out of James' arms and out of his bed and let Ein into the room, and like always, she jumps into his bed and takes my place in his arms. Smiling at their cuteness, I decide to sneak out of James' room and go back into mine, which is just the next room over. Once I close the door behind me, I lay back down on my bed and start playing random games on my phone as I wait for James and the others to get up.

As I get to the title screen of one of my games, a message pops up at the top of my screen, telling me that I just got a new email. I click on it, the message covers my screen, and I feel my world coming to a stop.

The message was from a email account that I don't know, but the picture in the message is one that I know all too well. It was a picture I let James take of me on Valentine's Day. A picture of me in a sexy bunny suit, or in other words, me wearing nothing but underwear with a fluffy tail, a bow tie, and bunny ears.

I sit up and stare at the screen in complete shock. I can't believe I'm staring at this picture right now. How did someone else get it? James would never show it to anyone.

Another message pops up at the top of the screen, and I see that it's from the same email account that this picture came from. I click on it and this one was just a typed out message.

You look very sexy as a bunny, Aleks. I wonder if the school would agree when they see this. ~ K.A.E

My heart starts beating faster and I quickly find it hard to breathe. I hit the reply button and message him back.

Who the fuck are you and how did you get that picture?!

I send the message and wait for him to reply. I can't believe this is happening again. First the rumor, and now this. And it's not like this can be swept under the rug just as easily as the rumor did. Another message pops up at the top of my screen, but this time, it's from Tumblr. A little confused, I click on it and it shows me the new message.

Remember me now ~ K.A.E

I feel my heart stop as I realize that this message came from the same guy who started "End NovaHD". The same guy who started that stupid rumor. Tears start to fall down my face as I realize that this is very serious. This guy was crazy enough to go after James and I once before, so he might just be crazy enough to really send this picture to the whole school. No. He might be just crazy enough to simply post that picture on here, and let the Internet do all the hard work for him. I start sobbing loudly as the thought of that picture being in the hands of someone who made it their mission to end the relationship James and I have worked so hard to keep. Why is this happening to me?

*James' POV*

When I finally wake up, I look down in my arms and see that Aleks somehow turned into Ein, and the door to my room is partially open. I sit up and yawn, starching my arms and popping my back, before I step out of bed and grab my phone to see what time it is. Turning it on, I see that I have a message from someone on Tumblr, so I open it.

My eyes widen in shock as I see that it came from the same account that started that rumor about me and Aleks.

You might want to check on your perisous boyfriend. He's a bit of a mess right now ~ K.A.E.

I stare at the screen, confused by what I just read, that is, until I hear Aleks crying through the wall. Worried, I quickly stand up, run out of my room, and run into Aleks' room. There I see him curled in a ball, crying into his legs, and his phone is laying right beside him.

I walk over and pick up his phone to see what's on it and gasp as I see that he got message from the same guy. But there must be more. Just a simple message wouldn't make Aleks act like this, so I open all of his tabs and see that he was on his email last, so I open it. His email shows that he had two emails from a account I don't recognize. One was a typed messages, talking about a picture. And the other was- Oh my god.

I look over to Aleks and pull him onto my lap. I then hug him tightly and tell him, "It's okay, Aleks. It's going to be okay."

"How," he asks in my chest. "How is this going to be okay? Some psycho has that fucking picture of me, and is fucking threatening to send it to everyone in school. How is this going to be okay?"

"Look, I don't know how he got this picture, but I do know one thing. We still have eight other people who will stand by us and will try to find a way to help us through this."

I hold him closer to me and start rubbing his back. "When Jordan wakes up, we're going to tell him what's going on."

"No! If we tell him about this, then he'll want to see the picture! I don't want him to see the picture! Please James!"

"Aleks, if we don't ask for help, then we'll never be able to get the picture back! We need to talk to him! We need to talk to the others! We don't have to show them the picture, but we need to tell them what's going on!"

He looks up at me with tears streaming down his face. "Can't we just get through this without them?"

"I don't think we can, babe. We need as much help as we can get."

He then buries his face in my chest and starts crying again. I swear to god, I'm going to find this guy, and I'm going to fucking kill him.

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu