Chapter 18

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*Chilled's POV*

Just as I put the last of Gassy's stuff back in his drawer, the front door opens and I hear someone call for me. Looking at the clock on Gassy's nightstand, I see that it's 3pm. The guys are out of school and finally back.

Scared of getting caught, I quickly run out of Gassy's room and run to the stairs, almost knocking over Nanners, who was walking up them. In order to not seem too suspicious, I quickly throw my arms around Nanners and yell, "Oh thank God you guys are home! I've been so bored being here all alone!"

Nanners just laughs and says, "Maybe we should leave Chilled by himself more offend. I like being greeted like this when I get home."

I let him go, step out of his way, and stick my tongue out at him. He laughs and walks pass me, and to his room. One by one, everyone then walks up the stairs, says hi to me, and goes to their room. Sighing, I turn around and start walking down the stairs to go watch a movie, but stop when I hear Gassy calling me to his room.

Feeling a lump in my stomach, I walk back up the stairs and walk into his room. "What's up, Max?"

"Chilled, were you in my room today?"

"What? No; why would you think I was in your room?"

"Because everything on my desk is messed up and my computer is on."

God Fuck!

"Chilled, what were you doing in my room?"

I sigh, "I was bored okay. I was just looking for something to do, so I started going through your room to see if there was something you had that I could play with."

"Chilled, come on man. That's an invasion of privacy."

"I know, but I was bored."

"Why didn't you play with Malcolm?"

"Because it's hard to annoy a dog and get the same reaction I would get from a human."

Wow, this lie is not turning out well.

He rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever. Just don't do it again."

WHAT THE FUCK?! HE BOUGHT THAT?! Does he really think I'm this stupid?! ... Actually, I don't want to know the answer to that question.

"I won't. Sorry, Gassy."

"It's fine."

I turn around and start to walk out of the room, but stop when something comes to my mind. "Hey Gassy, can I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

"What happened between you and Jordan?"

He doesn't say anything, but I can feel his glare sting the back of my head. It's filled with so much anger that it almost hurts me. "What happened was that jackass kicked me out of the Creatures for no fucking reason and lied to all of our fans, telling them that I was lazy and never wanted to do stuff with them anymore!"

"But why did he kick you out? I remember back when we were in the Creatures, you and him were best friends. You always agreed with each other, you were always with each other, and there was a joke we use to make about you two being the same person in two bodies. Hell, I even remember back in middle school, you two were being shipped together just as much as me and Ze were, if not more. How did you guys go from that to hating each other's guts?"

He stays quiet for about a minute. "If you really want to know Chilled; I did something stupid. I fucked up, and Jordan never forgave me for what I did. This also happened about a week after you quit."

"But, what did you do?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Now, please, leave... Just leave me alone for a little bit."

I then walk out of his room, shutting the door behind me, and press my back against it. What did Gassy do to piss off Jordan so much? All of a sudden, I hear light sobs coming from behind the door. Wait... is he... is he crying? ...

Whatever happened between them must have been bad... And I don't know our snooping is going to help them... But I wonder, what will help them?

*Max's POV*

As soon as Chilled shuts the door, I start crying in the middle of my room. God damn it, Anthony! Why did you have to fucking bring up how we were back when we were in the Creatures? Back when Jordan and I were together.

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I look back to the door and see that it's closed, but not locked, so I walk over and lock it, so no one can come in and see my little secret. I then walk to my desk and pick up a pen and then climb on top of it and unscrew the vent to my room. That's when I pull off the gate keeping it close, and pull out a black box with a broken heart on it.

I then climb off the desk, sit down on my bed, and start going through the box. Looking at all of the pictures of me and Jordan that I saved, and all of the gifts he gave me. I wish he passed me back that note today, so I could have had another item to add to my box of memories.

I fucked up so badly back then, and it still hurts today. God I miss you Jordan. Please forgive me someday

Hey Foxes!!! So, if you couldn't tell, I'm not the best at making hints. I was actually planning on just telling you guys a couple little details about the new story, but my friend told me this way would have been more fun. And she would have been right, if I was able to make a hint that was somewhat challenging.

Anyways, so I decided I was going to go back to doing what I wanted to do, and that was tell you guys a couple small details about the story.

So, as some of you had guessed, yes, it is a KootraMexican fanfic. The story will be about Jordan and Max, and will take place 6 years before this story. So, it's a prequel!!!

And that will be all I will tell you guys for now. Until next time, I'll see you guys later!!! ;)

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