Chapter 8

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-This Time Skip is brought to you by the letter 'L' for 'LAZY' as in, "I'm too lazy to write stuff for the rest of the week, so let's just skip to Friday night!"-

*Chilled's POV *

I finally finish uploading my last video for the day, so I walk to the other room where I see Gassy uploading his video, apologizing for canceling F*cked Up Friday, messing with his hair so we can go to Tom's party.

"You almost ready man," I say, leaning against the door frame.

He looks over and says, "Yeah, I'm just waiting for YouTube to upload my video. I also talked to everyone else, and they're all ready too. They're just waiting downstairs. "

When we see that his video is finally up, he shuts off his computer and walks over to me. "You ready to party with the Creatures," I say, teasingly.

He rolls his eyes and says, "That's a sentence I never thought I'd hear come out of any of our mouths. And I can't believe I'm going to say this, but yeah, I'm ready."

"Come on, it won't be so bad."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get this over with."

We then walk out of the room to meet with the others. I know we have to still hate the Creatures, but I actually can't wait to party with them again. I can't wait to see Ze again.

*Ze's POV *

-This Time Skip is brought to you by the letter 'R' for 'Really' as in "Really? Another time skip already!"-

We arrive at the house for GaLm's party about an hour late. Aleks somehow convinced Jordan to have us show up 'Fashionably Late'. Stupid idea if you ask me, but it wasn't up to me.

Anyways, we walk up to the house and knock on the door. A few seconds later, GaLm opens the door and smiles at us. "Ze! You and your friends finally showed up!"

I laugh and say, "Of course man! We'd never miss an awesome party!"

"Well come in!"

We walk into the house and see almost everyone from school hanging out, including a lot of the popular kids that we haven't even talked to. Walking into the living room, where the music is blasting and everyone is dancing, we see Felix, Ryan, Michelle, and Kristen dancing together. (I think that was Krism's name, but I don't know. If I'm wrong, correct me and I'll fix it.) Then we walk to the kitchen and see Anthony and Ian from Smosh talking to Tyler and Craig (Wildcat and MiniLadd). Seeing these groups of people here kind of makes me feel honored. A lot of them are actually more popular than us, and here we are, hanging at the same party as them.

Jordan pats my back to bring me out of my thoughts and then we walk to the back of the kitchen and grab a couple drinks. We then start talking to each other and random people that come over. It's really no lie that this was fun.

After a couple drinks, Dex tries to drag us into the living room to dance, but the two couples slip away, which causes him to go looking for them. God I hope they didn't go into a bedroom to have 'fun'.

I suddenly feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close to someone's body. Turning my head, I see Kevin's smiling face, and I can feel my face go red. "Hey Ze, let's go dance!"

"What? No way, man! I hate dancing!"

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!"

He then starts dragging me into the other room with the others laughing at me. Assholes.

Kevin drags me into the middle of the room and pushes his way through so that we're in the middle of the dance floor. At first, we just do a bunch of random dance moves and laugh at each other, but once the song changes and the music is more smooth than jumpy, Kevin spins me around so that my back is to him, and he presses his body up against me. Before I can even say anything, Kevin starts to move his body, grinding up against me. I gasp at this and prepare myself to push away from him, but after I feel him press his crouch against my butt, his hands slide to my hips, and his lips softly pressed to the back of my neck, I feel my body as well as my face heat up, and I press my body against him, moving it with him.

I feel everything around us disappear. The music slowly mutes itself and everyone around us just fade away. There is no one here, but me and Kevin. That is until I hear a very familiar laugh. The same laugh I heard when Aleks pushed me over on Monday.

I snap back to reality and push myself away from Kevin. I turn to face him and tell him, "I need to go to the bathroom! I'll be right back!"

Before he has the chance to say anything, I run through the crowd of people and run to the hallway by the front door. Looking around, I see no one. I then walk upstairs and start looking for a bathroom.

I press my ear up against a couple of the doors to hear if anyone is in them, and after I check three rooms, I finally find one that sounds empty. When I open it and turn on the light, I'm happy to see that it's the bathroom.

I quickly walk in, closing the door behind me, and splash some water on my face. Okay, now I can think. What the fuck happened back there? One second I was dancing and having fun, and then I heard someone laugh, and I was done. But why? I'm not dating anyone, and I liked dancing with Kevin, so what made me stop? Why did that laugh make me stop?

I suddenly hear the doorknob turning, so I snap my head around just in time to see the door open. My eyes widen as I see who was behind it, and take a step back as they walk into the small bathroom and close the door behind them.

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