Chapter 50 (Bonus Chapter)

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Because I love you Foxes so much. Hope you all like it!


(In SpongeBob's Narrator's Voice) *A Year and A Half Later*

*Ze's POV*

Music is blasting through the house as we celebrate our graduation with our best friends. Over the past year, the Creatures and Angels have worked together to better all of our channels, we've become better friends than we were before, and we've kind of made a new group! Chilled, Smarty, GaLm, Tom, and I have been playing together a lot lately, and we've been thinking about making this another YouTube group; we just need a name. So far, we've agreed to liking Smarty's idea of calling ourselves the Derp Crew, but we're still looking.

Anyways, as it starts getting a little late, Jordan and Max call all of us over so they can do a tiny speech. "So," Jordan starts. "We've all finally done it. We've graduated high school and we've not only ended a stupid rivalry, but we've become more of a big happy family."

"For some of us," Max continues. "This is the end of the road. You guys plan on using the crap we learned to make your channel better, and make this your full time job. For others, you guys plan on going back to school."

"I think we all can agree that now that all of us are working together, no matter what path we've all picked, all of our futures are bright. So, here's to the groups."

We all raise our drinks up and yell, "To the groups!"

We all then turn away and start to go back to what we were doing before, but stop when Spoon jumps in front of Max and Jordan and says, "Wait. I have something to say." Everyone turns back and waits for him to talk. "I think we all know that the past four years have been the craziest of our lives, and I think I speak for everyone when I say, I hope none of that shit ever happens again. Personally, I want a easy going life, where I can work on my channel, have fun with my friends, and be with the one I love. And I plan on making sure that happens."

He walks over to Seamus and takes his hands. "Seamus, I want you to be by my side in the future. I want you by my side forever. So." He gets down on one knee. "Seamus O'Doherty, will you marry me?"

Seamus' eyes light up as tears start to build up. He nods his head a couple times before saying, "Yes! Yes, I will!" The two then hug each other and kiss as everyone claps and watches them.

Half of the party rushes over to congratulate the couple, while the other half start talking about something we haven't really thought about before. Marriage.

Two years ago, we all just struggled to stay together with the ones we all loved. Now, we're adults, and will all have to take the next step sooner or later. But, are we all ready for that? How will we know when we are? How will anyone be able to afford a ring? Who will get married next?

These questions travel throughout the party, but there's one question that I have that I decide to keep to myself. When are Chilled and I going to get married? I know that me and him are going to be living together while we're going to YTU, but I can't help but want to know when I'll get a ring? When will he ask me to be his forever? When will I get to say I do?

I don't know how to answer any of these questions, but there is one thing I do know. And that is that someday, I want to say I do.


The End?

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Where stories live. Discover now