Chapter 4

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*Ze's POV*

As we wait for class to end, Chilled and I finally get to do something we haven't been able to do in years. Sit down and talk as friends.

"How long has it been since we actually talked to each other," Chilled asks with a smile on his face.

"I don't know. We talked once like two years ago, but that was when you and Gassy revealed the Bros Angels and our rivalry started. I think it's been like three years since we sat down and talked as friends. And that includes getting to record together."

"Yeah, that sounds about right." With the mention of the Bros Angels, his smile leaves his face, and my smile leaves mine. We both already know that once we leave this classroom we'll have to go back to being rivals. And it was all because of one thing.

"Why did you quit the Creatures, Chilled? Didn't you have fun with us? With me?"

"Ze, I loved playing with you guys, but I felt that I had to quit. The group was getting too big for me, and with everything Jordan wanted, I just couldn't do it. I had to quit."

"Well, why did you create the Bros Angels and make us your rivals? Why couldn't we just be friends?"

"I wanted to, Ze. But Gassy was, no, is still mad about you guys kicking him out of the group. Speaking of, why did you guys kick him out? He never told me why. He just showed up at my house after it happened, and he was all pissed off."

I sigh. The truth is, I don't know why everyone agreed to kick Max out. I remember towards the end, he was showing up to things we all did together less and less, but I still feel like there is so much more behind this story. I just don't know what it is. Well, I need to tell Chilled something, so I guess I'll tell him the same thing Jordan told our fans.

"Look, I didn't want to kick Gassy out. He was just as much my friend as he was yours; but it had to be done. He was pushing us all away and wouldn't record with us when we wanted him to."

"That doesn't really sound like a good reason to-"

"Chilled, we were trying to make videos for our fans and we were trying to get Max to be apart of it, but he didn't want  any part of anything that we did. He was pushing us all away and he never said why. So, if he didn't want anything to do with us then, then why keep him around?"

He just stays quiet.

"Exactly. Look, I didn't want to do it, but it had to be done."

"Look, as much sense as that makes, you need to think about Gassy. You guys didn't know what he was going through at the time, and you guys kicking him out didn't do any good. All you did was piss him off."

"I know, and I'm sorry that happened. Chilled, like I said, I wanted him to stay. But I was out numbered in the votes."

He sighs, "Let's change the subject. Ze, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too... So, how are things between you and Jess?"

"We broke up over the summer."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. What about you though? Have you been dating anyone?"

"Oh, no. I've had my eye on someone, but they just got out of a relationship, so I don't want to make a move on them just yet. Even though I really want to tell them how I feel."

He chuckles, "They must be someone special then."

"You have no idea... What about you? Anyone you have your eye on?"

"Yeah, but I don't really get to talk to them, so I don't know how to ask them out."

"Oh come on, Anthony. You're the ChilledChaos. Even if you only got to talk to them once a year, there is no way they would turn you down."

He smiles and his face turns a bright shade of red. "Thanks buddy."

The bell then starts to ring. Class is over.

I stand up and gather up my stuff. "So, I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

He frowns and says, "That'll actually depend on who's here tomorrow. If Diction feels better, he'll be here, and he'll have this class with us. And he knows that Gassy doesn't want us to talk."

I sadly look down at my stuff and say, "Oh. Okay, I get it. Then, I guess I'll see you around."


I then start to walk out of the classroom, leaving Chilled behind to get his stuff. As I walk out, I feel a pair of eyes hit me with a strong force of anger. When I look across the hall, I see Gassy glaring at me. I shake my head and just make my way back to the lockers. Looks like the rivalry is back on.

*Chilled's POV*

As I walk out of the classroom, Gassy rushes over to me and roughly grabs my arm, pulling me closer to him.

"I saw him walk out of the room; did you talk to him?"

"... Yes, but-"

"What the fuck, Chilled! I told you not to talk to him! You said you wouldn't-"

"Gassy! Listen to me for one god damn second! I didn't want to talk to him, but I had to! The teacher paired us up for a assignment! I had to talk to him because it was one of those 'get to know each other' assignments. I did what I could without talking to him, but there was one that I had to talk to him in order to get the answer. But that was it. I didn't talk to him after that."

He takes a deep breath and says, "Okay. I believe you. I'm sorry for getting mad."

"It's fine, Gassy. But you need to believe me, I would never talk to him unless the teacher was making me. I know how hurt you were after they kicked you out, and I would never betray you by talking to one of them."

"I know. Again, I'm sorry Chilled."

"It's fine. Now come on, let's get to the others and start talking about our plans for lunch today after next class. I'm thinking we go off campus and getting a couple of pizzas."

"That's a great idea. I'm glad I thought of it," he says as he starts to run down the hall.

"You, what? You, no," I yell as I start to run after him.

This is why I love Max. He may be a bit of a dick when it comes to the Creatures, but deep down, he's still a really nice guy. He's still the same care-free Mexican I met through them. He's still one of my best friends. Now if only I can find a way to make him forgive my other best friend. Then I could be happy having things back to the way they were... Well, maybe with one small change.

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