Chapter 15

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*Ze's POV*

You have got to be kidding me. I was forced to stay home today because he was supposed to go to school! Why is he here?

"Shouldn't you be at school right now?"

He chuckles, "Shouldn't you be there too?" I look away, seeing my pizza waiting for me on the corner, but suddenly losing my appetite. "It's actually kind of funny running into you here."

"Really? Why?"

"Because Gassy made me stay home from school today because he didn't want me to be near you today."

"What? Why did he not want you near me?"

"He found out about... what happened at the party."

I look back to him in shock. Gassy found out about it? So, he didn't tell him about it? Then how did he find out? There's no way Jordan told him. They hate each other more than anything.

"So why aren't you in school?"

"... Jordan didn't want me to be near you after I told him what happened."

"... Well... It's nice seeing that Gassy and Jordan still are the same person in two people's bodies." I just chuckle and nod, but after that we both just stay silent, staring at each other. It isn't until the guy behind the corner yells out that Chilled's pizza is done that we even move. "Hey Ze... do you mind if we eat together? I kind of want to talk to you."

I just stare at him for a few seconds before I nod. I then watch him grab his pizza and mine and follow him as he sits down at a nearby table. Once I sit down, I start to eat my pizza. It's a little cold, but I paid for it, so I'm going to try to eat it.

"Ze, I wanted to apologize for what happened Friday."

I look up to him in shock. He wants to apologize? Why? Wait... Why am I thinking this?!

"You want to apologize? Why?"

"Because... I shouldn't have kissed you.When I saw Kevin dancing with you, I got jealous."


"Because he was grinding against you. He got that close to you, and was touching your body. How could I not get jealous."

"But, how did you get jealous? We just barely started talking again and there is nothing going on between Kevin and I."

He chuckles, "You actually have no idea how happy I am to hear that. My mind has done nothing but told me that you and Kevin were dating, and that just made me somewhat depressed."

"But, why?"

"Because... I like you Ze... I've had a crush on you since we met when I was a Creature."

My mouth drops open and I just stare at him in shock. He-he likes me? He has a crush on me? Am I dreaming or something? How could he like me?

"Ze," he snaps me back to reality. "I get that you hate me now for kissing you, but I just want you to know that I have feelings for you. I want to be with you. But after everything I've done, I know that you most likely would never want to talk to me again. So, I'm sorry I kissed you. And since there isn't really anything I can do right now, I guess I'll leave you to your pizza."

I then look down and realize that his pizza is gone, while I still have half of mine. What the fuck? He did most of the talking; how did he finish his first? I look back up to him and watch him stand up and walk to the front door. What should I do? I got my answers from before. I now know how he feels about me. So, what should I do now?

*Chilled's POV*

As I walk out of the restaurant, I feel all of my energy leave my body. Well, I talked to him, and now he knows how I feel. I wish this was some stupid little romantic story though. You know, so this could be the part of the story where he comes running after me, telling me to stop, and confess his feelings for me. But, that kind of stuff never happens in real lif-


I turn around and look back to the pizza place, where I see Ze standing in the open doorway, looking for me. Once he sees me, he runs over to me and tackles me with a hug. Before I can ask him what's wrong, he leans upwards and kisses me on the lips.

At first, I don't kiss back, thinking that this has to be a day dream or something. But once I realize this is all real, I wrap my arms around him, shut my eyes, and kiss him back.

This is what I wanted back at the party. I wanted this moment to hold him close to my body. To feel his soft lips on mine. And to know that he isn't Kevin's. There only one thing that can happen to make this the best moment of my life.

I slowly pull away and look into his beautiful emerald eyes and say, "Ze, why did you do that?"

"What do you think, you idiot? It's the same reason you kissed me on Friday."

I smile. "My reason what because I wanted to steal you away from Kevin, so unless you think there's something going on between me and Kevin-"

"NO! God damn it Chilled, do you really want me to say it." I nod with an even bigger smile on my face. He blushes and looks away before he says, "I've... I've had a crush on you too, Chilled. I've liked you since the day we met. Actually, after all this time, I think I've fallen in love with you."

"Then why did you run away from me at the party when I kissed you?"

"I was afraid. I thought you kissed me to play with my head, or you were dared to do it or something. I never thought you would like me back, so I was trying to move on. When you kissed me, I had a million things running through my head, so I became both scared and confused. So, I did the first thing that came to my mind. I ran. But if I had known that you liked me, believe me, I would have never ran."

I then kiss him on the cheek before saying, "That's amazing to know now. But now I have one more question for you." He looks back to me. "Steven, will you go out with me?"

A smile quickly creeps up onto his face and he practically yells, "Yes," has he jumps back up to me to catch my lips in another kiss.

Definitely the best moment of my life.

Important, please read.

Hey guys, so, I know I just came back from disappearing for a week, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappear again. Some really bad and scary happened to me, and I don't want to go into detail of what happened, but I know that I need help for it. So I'm going to be disappearing for a while. I don't know when I'll be back on. But this is something I need to do. I'm sorry.

I'll see you guys later.

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Where stories live. Discover now