Chapter 26

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*Chilled's POV*

My eyes shoot open as a loud banging noise echos throughout the house, which is soon followed by two different people yelling and one crazy laugh. Groaning from only getting four hours of sleep, I roll out of bed and make my way out of my room. Once I'm at the doorway, I hear one of the doors down the hall open, so I look over and smile at our new roommate.

"Is every morning going to start like this," he asks as he walks over to me.

"No, just the ones when Smarty wakes up first and decides to try to make breakfast."

"How do you know that Smarty was the one who caused this?"

"Because this has happened several times before, and I know how it is when everyone wakes up first. With Gassy, we wake up to the smell of burning food and sometimes the fire alarm going off. With Diction, we normally will be waking up to the sound of him screaming as he tries to record an early game. You'll love it when Renee wakes up first; she always makes us pancakes, and it's always awesome. Smarty always tries to do it too, but we normally wake up to this."

"Well, what happens when you wake up first?"

"Nothing really. I do the chores, and will make eggs and toast. And what are we going to expect from you, Ohmmy?"

He thinks for a second. "I make pretty good smoothies. Maybe I can make one for everyone whenever I wake up first."

I laugh, "Sounds good to me. Though, I kind of want to wake you up next time I wake up first so we can make eggs, toast, and smoothies, cause that sounds awesome."

He laughs back. "Sounds like a plan. Just don't wake me up this early in the morning. Hey, you never told me what Adam does when he walks up first."

"Oh, you defiantly want to wake up before Adam. He plays pranks on everyone, and no matter what, he gets everyone. I once went to bed with my door locked and he still got into my room to plant blow horns everywhere in there."

"Oh wow," he says, laughing.

"Best part of the story, I checked, the door was still locked, so I have no idea how he got in."

With him still laughing, we walk downstairs as Diction and Nanners walk out of the kitchen and go back upstairs. We then walk into the kitchen and see Renee starting to make her delicious pancake, and Gassy watches Smarty as he cleans up the mess he made today. When Gassy sees Ohm, he chuckles and says, "Well good morning. How's the first morning in the Angel House going?"

He chuckles and says, "I'm wishing Renee or Chilled woke up first so I could wake up to food instead of noise."

"Normally we all do," Smarty says as he stands up and throws away whatever he had cleaned up. "I just wanted to try to welcome you with something awesome to eat, but I kind of tripped on one of Adam's cats."

"Sure, Smarty," Renee says without turning her head. "Blame it on the cats."

"But, I did trip on one of them!"

I start chuckling at these two, but stop when Gassy walks behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey Chilled, can I talk to you really fast?"

I nod and follow him out into the TV room. "So, what's up?"

He then crosses his arms and looks at me with disappointment. "Where were you last night?"

"What? I was here. All night."

"Oh really? So why, when I checked your room last night, did I find your bed empty? At one in the morning I should add."

I can feel my jaw drop and my eyes widen. "What? Why did you go into my room last night?"

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