Chapter 43

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(In SpongeBob's Narrator's Voice) *Two Weeks Later*

*Aleks' POV*

My eyes slowly open as I hear screaming going on outside of my bedroom. Looking at the clock, I see that it's 10 in the morning on Saturday. Chilled's here for his day.

I roll my eyes and roll over in my bed. Why doesn't he and Ze just go on their fucking date today and tomorrow? Make it so I can sleep through the entire weekend.

I shut my eyes and try to go back to sleep, but soon stop trying when I hear my stomach growl. I don't want to see Chilled, because I know that everyone is with him, especially HIM.

Tears start coming down my face the moment I even think of him. Eddie told me that he left his room two weeks ago, and that Chilled was the one who made it happened. And although I'm happy that he is out, I'm not happy with the fucking fact that he has already moved on. I've seen so many fucking pictures of them all cuddled up, it sickens me!

And I don't want to risk seeing it in person.

My stomach growls again, this time louder. I bite my lip, hoping that a) no one heard that, and b) everyone out there went to the gaming room, because I am really hungry, and want to shut this stomach up.

Taking the deep breath, I roll out of bed and silently walk to my door, barely open it, and listen to everything going on outside. Luckily for me, there's nothing. I quietly walk out of my room and start walking downstairs, but stop mid-way down when I see something in the living room.

Right there on the couch, watching one of Dane Cook's specials, I see Chilled and Ze, cuddled up together, but I can't help but also notice that Chilled's other fucking arm is around James. HIS FUCKING ARM AROUND MY JAMES! ... But he isn't my James anymore.

I try my best to keep my tears in as I walk down the rest of the stairs and run into the kitchen so I can grab a bag of cookies, pint of ice cream, and a couple of cans of soda. Afterwards, I run upstairs again, hoping that they didn't notice me.

Why would they notice me? Those three are too fucking busy making out with each other to care about what happens with me. I bet neither of them would notice if I was gone. Hell, I think there's only one person in this whole fucking house that would notice that I'm gone. But he'll get over me. Just like James did.

Once I get back to my room, I pull out my laptop and bring up a playlist of videos of me and James. Then, I lay out all of the junk I got from the kitchen, and start crying as I think about how things were back then.

I still love James. I love him more than anything. I was so fucking stupid to fucking blame him for what happened. I'm so fucking stupid for thinking that he would send that fucking picture to that Kae bastard. And more importantly, I'm so stupid for letting someone touch me while he was in the next room. It's no wonder why he moved on so god damn fast after what an asshole I was.

*Chilled's POV*

Once I hear a door close, I sigh and pull my arms away from both James and Ze. "What's wrong, babe?"

"I think I just heard Aleks' door close."

"Wait, he was out here," James almost yells.

"I think he was, but if he was, he's back in his room now." I look down at me hands. "I don't know what to do about him. He won't leave his room, he refuses to talk to me, and nothing I say through the door seem to get to him."

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