Chapter 22

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*Max's POV*

As lunch starts to come to an end, I pull out my phone and start texting Jordan. We need to talk. Ditch this next hour and meet me in the boys' bathroom in the vloggers' building.

As soon as my thumb hits send, I say goodbye to everyone and start walking to a building with a camera statue on top of it. As I walk to the building, I pass the Creatures' spot and see Jordan check his phone before he looks up at me and watches me walk pass them. I then see him type away on his phone before he starts talking to Dan and Spoon.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I quickly pull it out and read what he texted back. What? No way man! I am not ditching class to meet with you one on one!

I clinch my teeth together and quickly text back. I'm sorry, did I make it seem like I was asking you to meet with me? Let me put it this way. If you don't meet me in the boys' bathroom in the vloggers' building, than I will call off the truce between us, and it will be your fault for it ending.

Once I send the text, I look up and quickly stop moving before I walk into Joey Graceffa, who was holding the door open for his friends. I just smile at him and his friends as they walk in and I go in shortly after. My phone then vibrates again, so I just lean against the wall by the door and check it. What the brown?! If you're calling off the truce, then how is it my fault that it's over?!

Simple. Because someone in my group overheard a little rumor about one of the Bros Angels being a cheater.

I put my phone back into my pocket and walk down the hall to the boys' bathroom and walk into one of the stalls. I then take a seat on the toilet and pull out my phone and wait for Jordan to text back. After a couple of minutes, he doesn't text me back and class had already started. Did that son of a bitch go to class?

Just as I was starting to give up, I hear someone walk into the bathroom and say, "How can it be a rumor if it's true?"

I put my phone away and walk out of the stall to face him. "No one in my group knows about what happened between us expect Renee, and I have always planned on keeping it that way! And since only James, Aleks, and Dan knows from your group, and there's a rumor going around about James and Aleks, I know damn well that it was those two who were talking! Now, I want you to tell them to keep their fucking mouths shut! I don't want the whole school thinking we're a bunch of whores."

"Oh, but it's fine for them to think that way about Aleks?!"

"I didn't say that."

"But you are so worried about your image, you didn't say anything about Aleks being called a cheater by the whole flipping school!"

"Hey, I stood up for him in my group, okay!"

He just stares at me in both anger and confusion before he says, "You did what?"

"Diction and Nanners were talking shit about Aleks, and I told them to shut up. I told them that I knew Aleks and I knew that he would never do that to James. I know that that rumor is nothing but bullshit."

"So... none of your Angels started the rumor?"

"Oh please. Nanners and Diction don't gossip, Chilled knew Aleks and would never back stab someone he use to call a friend, no one ever listens to Smarty, and Renee-"

"Would do something like this."

I roll my eyes. "Look, she may have kissed me that day, but she would never do something this hurtful to another."

"Bullshit she wouldn't!"

I then stare at him in shock before saying, "Did you just cuss?"

"Yes, I did! Because we're talking about the same fucking girl, who you made out with while we were dating! And you expect me to believe that she would never do something like this!" He then rushes up to me and pins me to the wall. "And to top all of this off, you called me in here to tell me that I need to make Aleks and James shut up when they are the ones being fucking attacked! How do you expect me to stand here and take all of this bullshit?!"

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