Chapter 27

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(In Spongebob's Narrator's Voice) *Later That Evening*

*Ze's POV*

As soon as I'm sure everyone is asleep, I decide to pull out my phone and call Chilled. He needs to know about this Kae guy. I need to find out if anything happened to him this morning. How did anyone see us last night?

I keep staring at the door as I hold the phone up to my ear. After what happened yesterday, I need to be more careful. We both do.

"Hello," I hear Chilled say in a sleepy voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry Chilly Willy, did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but I don't mind. What's up, Ze?"

"Chilled, someone saw us last night." He stays silent. "Chilled?"

"What happened to you?"


"Gassy talked to me this morning, asking about where I was last night. Apparently, someone saw my car or something and they not only texted Gassy, but they were the ones who called the police on us. How they knew where we were, I have no idea."

"Jordan showed me the text he got from someone named Kae. He told him that he saw me sneaking out of my room to meet with you. I told Jordan that you and I were just meeting to talk about that party first week of school."

"Really? I told Gassy I was in the city, watching street races, and that I hooked up with a hot babe."

I laugh. "How the fuck did he not question that?"

"You'd be surprise with the bullshit that comes out of my mouth and how much of it is believable."

"But street races? Come on."

He laughs a little, but goes silent. "Hey Ze, I need to go back to bed. I think I just heard someone walking around in the hallway."

"Alright. I'll talk to you later."

"Good night, babe. I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

*???'s POV*

"Good night, babe. I love you," we hear Chilled say.

"I love you too, babe," Ze tells him before they hung up their phones. This causes my damn partner to yell and punch a hole through one of my walls.

I then roll my eyes and say, "Great. Looks like I need to go buy a new poster to cover that shit up."

"Sorry, but this is such bullshit! I mean, we sent text messages to fucking Jordan and Max, we called the police, and this is what came from all that shit! Nothing! We're at the same fucking spot we were when I found you after your failed admit to break up James and Aleks."

"Oh shut up! Look, I know that this last plan was a failure, but I have another idea."

"No! Fuck your ideas! Already two of your damn ideas failed. Now, it's my turn."

"Alright. Fine. What's your idea to now not only break up James and Aleks, but to break up Steven and Anthony?!"

He chuckles. "Oh their are actually very simple. We find their weaknesses. You see, there's a reason I had you bug their phones. All we have to do is find one small item in either their phone conversations or pictures or text messages, and then we use that against them. It really shouldn't be that hard."

He walks over and take my laptop off of my desk and sits on my bed. "So what information do we need in order to destroy these two couples?"

"Well, Steven and Anthony are still a new couple. I don't know how long they've been dating, but listening to them talk just now, it sounds like it hasn't even been 5 months. With that, all we have to do is throw a stone at their house, and the walls will shatter."

"Okay? Well, what about James and Aleks?"

"That one is a little harder. They've been dating for a much longer time, so they've been through more together and have seen each other in their worst. That's why that rumor idea of your's didn't work. Their house is made of bricks."

"Why do you keep talking about houses?"

He hits himself in the face. "Think of a relationship as a house, idiot. A new relationship is like a modern house. It's walls are mostly glass, kind of as if they wanted the world to see everything what they're doing. Or, they do PDA out the ass because they want everyone to know that their each other's. There's no doubt in my mind that Steven and Anthony would be doing that now if it wasn't for the rivalry."

"Oh, and a older relationship is more of a urban neighborhood house, or whatever."

"Exactly. They don't care if the world sees them, because they know that they are always there for each other. So, we need something big to destroy their relationship." He stops typing and starts laughing. "And I think I just found what we were looking for."

He turns the laptop around and shows me the screen, which causes me to laugh as well. "Oh James, you really must learn to delete the pictures on your phone. You never know who will see them."

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