Chapter 20

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*Ze's POV*

As soon as we hear footsteps enter the bathroom, I feel my heart start to beat faster in fear. We just started dating yesterday; we can't get caught now!

We start to look around for a quick idea to get out of this mess, but being in a fucking bathroom stall, we know that there's only one thing we can do, and that we'll have to move quick. I quick get on top of the toilet and move as far back as I can so Chilled can join me up here. Then we crouch as low as we can so no one can see us.

The footsteps go past us and end at the other end of the bathroom, and right behind them are another pair of footsteps, this one being heavier, almost as if they were running.

"Aleks, will you fucking calm down," I hear James yell as he walks to the other side of the bathroom.

"How the fuck can I calm down, James! After hearing that fucking rumor about us breaking up because I cheated on you! Who the fuck came up with that shit?!"

"Aleks, we go to a fucking school where everyone gets shipped with everyone, and overly obsessed fans are hidden around every corner! One of them probably went a little too far down the rabbit hole and thought that if they started a rumor, they could get you and me to split."

"Or one of those fucking Bros Angels started it so they could fuck with the group!"

"Aleks, no! I know what you're thinking, and no! Jordan will fucking flip his shit if we started a fight with them."

"Not if they fucking started the rumor! The deal was that we weren't allowed to fuck with each other in any way in real life! This breaks the truce!"

"But we don't know that they started it."

"But who would? I mean, yes our fans do go crazy sometimes with the shippings and will go as far as to send us fanfics of us fucking each other, but starting a rumor like this is too much!"

"Babe, look, whoever started this rumor had a goal in mind, and that goal was to fuck with us. So you know what we have to do, right?"

"... Yeah, I know. Don't let it get to us and show them that our relationship is stronger than a stupid fucking rumor."

"That's right. And we can also do that by fucking in one of the classrooms during lunch today."

He laughs and says, "Fuck off. Come on; let's go back to class."

We then hear them kiss and start to walk out of the bathroom.

"You know, it wouldn't shock me if the Bros Angels did come up with that cheating rumor. I mean, who better to call someone a cheater than a cheater?"

"Pretty sure that he was the only cheater out of all of them, babe."

"I know, but that doesn't mean it wasn't his idea."

As soon as we hear the bathroom door close, Chilled and I rush out of the stall and stare at the door. And I have a feeling we're wondering the same thing.

"What did they mean by 'who better to call someone a cheater than a cheater'?"

"I don't know. I mean, I don't think anyone in my group has cheated on someone."

"Or if they did, they didn't tell you." We then stay silent, thinking about what we had just heard. Well, me thinking more of it then Chilled most likely.

Aleks and James have been dating since middle school, and although some of our fans do go crazy about who they want us to be with, none of them have gone so far as to ruin our real relationships because they didn't like the shipping. Plus, everyone knows that Aleks loves James more than anything in the world. Why would someone try to break them up? What would anyone gain from that? Not even the Bros Angels would gain anything from ruining one of our groups relationship. So who would start that rumor and why?

"Come on," Chilled finally says. "Let's get back to class before Ms. Jason starts freaking out.

I nod and we rush out of the bathroom to get back to the classroom on time. I already know what we're going to be talking about at lunch though.

*???'s POV*

As Aleks and James walk back into class, hand in hand, I can't help but feel anger beginto boil in my blood. That stupid rumor was suppose to weaken they're relationship, but it looks like it only made it stronger! Now I feel like punching that bitch I talked to online in the mouth!

It'll create doubt and make them show a side of said person to their lover that they will not like. By doing this, it will weaken the walls to their relationship, and will give you a chance to get in between them. 

This is the last fucking time I listen to a fucking online blog! Now, I need to find another way to break them up, but how?

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