Chapter 12

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*Max's POV*

I'm sitting on my bed, staring at my phone, and listening to my own heart beat. Most of the guys have come out to their parents. The only ones left are me, Jordan, Ze, and Dan. But Jordan wants that to change.

He wants to come out, but he wants me to do it first, join him when he tells his parents, so we can start dating publicly. But I don't think I can do it.

I re-read the text Jordan sent me a couple minutes ago to try to calm myself and give me a little more courage to do this.

I know you can do it, Maxie. Just think, they will accept and love you no matter what. And even if they don't, you still have me and the others to back you up :) ~ Jordan <3

It doesn't help.

I love Jordan, but I can't do this.

But I have to.

He would understand if I told him I can't, right?

What if he doesn't?

I run my hands through my hair and let out a shaky sigh. I know that I have to do this for him, but I'm so scared that my parents won't accept me.

I start going through my contacts on my phone and look for someone I can talk to about this. I can't turn to the others, because Jordan wanted us to come out to them together after we came out to our parents. I have a couple friends I can talk to outside of the group, but who should I talk to?

Diction? No, he might laugh at me for not being man enough to tell my parents the truth.

Adam? No, I think he said he was going to spend the next couple days with Cathy, and I don't want to ruin their weekend.

Renee? Yeah, she's prefect! She knows that Jordan and I are Bi, and she has been rooting for us since she found out about us.

So, I quickly send her a message asking her to come over to help me.

Please hurry.

(Spongebob's Narrator voice) *15 Minutes later*

"What's wrong, Max," Renee asks as she walks into my room and sits on my bed.

"Okay, so, you know how Jordan and I have been dating for a little over two years, right."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, he wants to go public with our relationship, and he wants me to come out to my parents first, but I-I-"

"Max," she says in a sweet, calming voice. "What are you afraid of?"

"What if they don't accept me? What if they kick me out? I want to come out, but I'm scared that after I come out, I'll lose my family."

"That will never happen, Max."

"But what if it does?! What if it does happen and I turn into an asshole? What if I take out my anger of losing my family and Jordan and he dumps me for being an asshole?"

"But you guys are all assholes to each other already."

"I know, but I can't stop thinking, what if I hurt him? What will happen to me? What if I lose everything I love and care for in the world? I don't want to lose my family and my boyfriend."

"Max, Jordan loves you. Why don't you just tell him you can't do it yet? You know he'll understand."

"But what if he doesn't? What if he dumps me for not doing this? What if-" I then get cut off by a pair of soft, red lips. I don't even realize that those lips belong to Renee until she pulls away.

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