Chapter 38

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(In SpongeBob's Narrator's Voice) *One Week Later*

*Ze's POV*

It's been a week since Chilled and I started hanging out at the Angel House and Creature House, and we have made no progress in becoming friends with everyone! No matter what we've done, we can't seems to get everyone else to open up to us. But Chilled seems to have a plan to get Smarty to at least think about talking to me. It seems that both him and Smarty are both having trouble our physics class, which I'm passing, so he's going to see if he can get Smarty to let me help.

Though, there is one problem with this plan. I'm passing the class, but it's only because I have GaLm in the class with me, and the two of us do study dates in the library before every test, so we can actually understand it. So, I'm not going to be the best help right now... Unless.

As soon as the lunch bell rings, I run to the lockers, throw my stuff into mine, and start looking for Max. Looking around like a madman, I see him walking up to the lockers with Adam and Diction with him, which scares me a little. Out of everyone in the Bros Angels, Diction and Adam are the ones I know I'm going to have a lot of trouble getting to, and it isn't just because they hate me. I'm scared that they'll kill me. I mean, Diction already tried to, so.

Shaking my head, I take a quick deep breath and try to hold my head up. I have to act tough around them. I can't let them know just how scare I am. Oh please voice-box, please don't make me sound like a squeaky toy.

With my head up, I walk straight up to the three and say, "Hey Max." They stop talking and turn to me, and while Max just smiles at me, Adam and Diction glare at me with so much hatred burning in them, I can feel myself melting under them. I gulp and try to keep myself together. "Uh... I, uh... I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure Ze. What do you need?"

"Uh, well-"

"Hold on. Hey guys, why don't you two go to our spot and wait for me there? I'm sure this won't take long." They don't take their eyes off of me, but they nod and start walking away from us. Once they're out of sight, Max pats my shoulders and says, "I could tell that they were bothering you. You know you have to find a way to talk to them like you talk to me, Renee, and Ohm if you ever want the groups to become friends, right?"

I sigh, "I know. I just wish they didn't look at me like they were planning to kill me."

"They're just salty about us trying to end the rivalry. Seems some of your guys have given them more than enough reasons to hate them. Even before we officially became rival groups. Anyways, enough about them. What was it that you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh, well, Chilled and I came up with an idea to make Smarty open up towards me by helping him with one of his classes. However, to really understand the class, I've been studying with one of my friends who isn't in my group."

"Oh, so you want to see if you can have this friend of yours over, so he can help you help Smarty."

"Yes please."

He laughs, "Of course. If it's going to help move things along with making you become friends with the Angels, do what you need to do."

I smile and try my best to keep myself from bouncing up and down in the middle of the hallway. I then hug him and say, "Yes! Thank you Max! You have no idea how much this will help." I then let go of him and start walking backwards. "I have to go find GaLm and text Chilled to tell him. I'll see you later." I then take off running for the computer room, where I know I'll find GaLm eating with Tom and a couple of their friends. I can't wait until the end of school now!

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