Chapter 48

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*Ze's POV*

Over the long weekend, I couldn't help but feel like complete shit. I'm in a relationship with someone I don't love, I've been forced to have sex with them serval times over the weekend, and I know that the one I love doesn't love me back; nor would he forgive me for moving on so soon after our break up. I'm such an idiot. Why did I have to sleep with Kevin? Why did I have to fall in love with Chilled? Why did he have to kiss Jess?

Today's the Monday after the long weekend, and of course, it's raining. Which means everyone are either eating their lunches in the hallways, in the classrooms, or in the cafeteria. And since we always eat together, we all decide to go to the cafeteria, but I'm not looking forward to it. I already know that the Bros Angels are there too, since they always eat in there when it rains, and I don't want Chilled to see me with Kevin again. I don't know what Kevin's going to do now that we're a thing.

Aleks and I both grab some crappy lunches from the back of the cafeteria, and start walking to our table. "Are you okay, Ze?"

"What? Yeah; why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you've been really quiet lately, and you've seemed a bit distracted."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, for example, you're vegetarian, but you just got spaghetti and meatballs."

I quickly look at my lunch and realize that he was right. "Uh, I just wanted the spaghetti." I sigh, "I'll give Kevin the meatballs."

He grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop. "Ze, did you and Kevin do anything over the long weekend?" I nod, and he sighs. "I was afraid of that. I get it. After my break up with James, I turned to Eddie. When me and him... You know, I instantly regretted it. Afterwards, Eddie actually asked me about a week after if I'd be his boyfriend."

"He what?"

"I told him no, of course, but it made me feel like shit... But you agreed to be Kevin's boyfriend a long time ago."

I sigh. "I know, and it makes me feel like crap. I'm dating someone I'm not in love with, and the person I am in love with cheated on me."

"You know, I think you should talk to Chilled."


"Ze, I don't know how to explain this, but something doesn't feel right. Jess doesn't even go to this school, so it makes no sense for her to be here.If Chilled was cheating on you with her, he wouldn't have kissed her in the middle of the hall; he would have gotten her out of here before you showed up. And let's not forget, James and I had spent the most time with you two when you where dating. From what we've seen, I think cheating on you is the last thing Chilled would have ever done. It looked like he loved you way too much to have hurt you the way he did. I really think you should talk to him; find out what happened before you caught them."

"Aleks, you don't get it. I saw him kissing her back! I saw his hands go all over her body, and when I gasped, his hands had moved to her hips! Even if she was kissing him first, he didn't have to kiss back."

"Ze, just talk to him. I think it'll help you... Just like it helped James and I."

I take a deep breath and try to keep my tears in. I want to have the same ending as Aleks and James, but after how I've treated Chilled, I don't think he'll want me back. And how can I forgive him for everything?

Aleks and I then continue walking over to our table, where Aleks takes a seat next to James, but I'm left standing alone, since there isn't a chair for me. Aleks looks around and stands back up. "Here, Ze; I'll go grab you a chair."

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