Chapter 7

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---------------------Time Skip-----------------------

~the next day~

*Ze's POV*

My eyes shoot open as I hear a loud popping sound near me. I then jump out of my bed once I realize that the popping sound was coming from the inside of a pot, which was next to me, with sparks coming out of it. Scared out of my mind, I drop to the floor and press my back against the wall.

What the hell is going on? Where did this thing come from? Am I going to die?!

I suddenly hear laughing coming from the other side of the dark room. Carefully, I grab my phone, turn on the flashlight on it, and point it to the other side of the room. There, I see Kevin leaning against the other wall, laughing so hard that he is holding his stomach. I then look on my bed and see that the pot has calmed down and that inside it are the remains of a fire cracker.

Angry, I look back to Kevin and yell, "Oh you bastard! How did you manage to wake up early enough to do this?"

He catches his breath and says through a couple of small giggles, "I set my alarm on my phone to go off every five minutes starting at 5am. After the fifth or sixth alarm, I managed to get myself out of bed and meet up with the others. And I made sure I got you so I could get some pay back for yesterday."

I chuckle, "Well this is really funny, though, you kind of made a mistake, Kev."

"Oh yeah? What mistake did I make?"

I stand up and grab the handle to the pot. "You didn't take the pot away fast enough. You gave me a weapon."

His eyes then widen and he presses his body more against the wall. He laughs, nervously, before saying, "Now come on, Ze; you wouldn't hurt your friend now would you?"

I swing the pot around with my fingers. "Why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't?"

"Cause I'm... cute?"

I stay silent for a few seconds and just stare at him. I mean, he isn't wrong. His beautiful black hair, deep brown eyes, and perfect skin does make him amazing to look at... GOD, WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?!

"Sorry Kev," I say, taking a couple steps towards him. "But you being a pretty boy isn't the answer I was looking for."

With those words, I pull the pot back and aim for him, but he quickly ducks out of the way and runs out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I then laugh and decide to just ignore him for now. I need to get ready for school, so I throw the pot in the corner of my room and go put on a black shirt, jeans, and my Viking hat. Then I head downstairs to get breakfast before school.

--------------------Another Time Skip------------------

Our classes seem to go by pretty quickly and it seems that the truce is working. Jordan isn't pissed at the Bros Angels for everything anymore and the Bros Angels haven't done anything to us to try to start a fight, and vice versa. Everyone in school has notice this too and a lot of them are confuse. I don't blame them though. As said before, both groups have been fighting since the start, so seeing us just ignore each other, not even giving each other death glares, is weird.

Anyways, third period starts and I walk into class and take the same seat I took yesterday. I look over to the back and I see GaLm is already in class and he is sitting in the back talking to Tom. Guess the teacher did a good thing pairing them together yesterday.

I suddenly feel pressure on my shoulder and turn around to see Diction taking the seat Chilled took yesterday with his hand on my shoulder.

"Well look who's here! The Creatures littlest Viking! But, where are your bodyguards, pipsqueak?"

I gulp and can feel myself sinking in my chair. Whenever our fights turned psychical, Diction always made sure that he threw in one of the first punches. He loves beating us up, but he's favorite targets have always been me, Seamus, and Dex. It was rare for us to be able to fight back whenever he jumped us, and even if we did fight back, we were the weakest of the Creatures. We never stand a chance against him.

"Diction, come on, leave him alone. He hasn't done anything to us."

I look over to the seat that GaLm sat in yesterday and see Chilled is now sitting in it. Oh thank you, Anthony. I have never been more happy to see you than right now.

"Oh come on, I'm not doing anything. I'm just having a nice, friendly TALK with him." When he said talk he slammed his hand as hard as he could in the my back, causing me to slide forward a little, and also causing my ribs to be pushed into the front part of my desk.

"Diction! Come on, man; we made a truce with them yesturday. You can't hurt them anymore unless they start something with us. And you know that if we break the truce first, Max will be pissed off."

He growls and slowly takes his hand off of me. I sigh in relief and turn back to the front of class. After a few minutes of the teacher talking, I feel something press into my leg.

I look down and see a hand with a folded up piece of paper nudging my leg. I then begin to blush once I realize that the hand belonged to Chilled. Before anyone could see, I look back up and take the paper from Chilled.

Before I open the note, I look over to Diction to make sure that he isn't looking over to me or Chilled. I smile when I see that he's actually asleep and quickly open the note.

Hey, I'm sorry about Diction being a dick to you. Are you okay?

I'm fine. He has done a lot worst to me. Thanks for sticking up for me by the way.

It's no problem. I just don't want you to get hurt... BECAUSE OF THE TRUCE! You know. It just started yesterday, and I'd hate to see it ruin because of Diction, and I don't want to see Gassy pissed because Diction made us look bad.

It's okay. I understand.

After writing that, I turn to the front and refuse to take the note back from him. There's nothing me and Chilled can talk about now.

*Chilled's POV *

I try passing the note back to Ze, but I can see that he doesn't want to take it, so I just place in on top of my notebook. I was really hoping he would take it.

I know we stopped talking and just passing notes to each other can be really risky with Diction right next to him, but I wanted to tell him, and this stupid note was going to be my way of telling him.

Sighing, I open the note and read what I put down to myself.

Hey Ze, can I tell you something? Actually, no, even if you don't want me to, I'm still going to tell you. I need to get this off my chest. I like you, Ze. Not, like, as a friend or brother or anything. I mean I have a crush on you, and I wanted to know if, maybe, you and I could go to the party on Friday together.

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