Chapter 14

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(Spongebob's narrator voice) *Two days later*

*Ze's POV*

I jump out of my bed after hearing ear piercing screams coming from the hallway. Checking my clock, I see that it's 6am. Time for the evil four torture us. But why didn't I get pranked?

I walk out of my room in time to see Kevin and James run pass me and down the stairs. I turn around and walk into Kevin's room, seeing Jordan leaning against the wall, laughing so hard that it looks like he's about to fall over. I look to Kevin's bed and see a large snake laying wear Kevin's head would be. I shake my head, thinking that it's fake, but almost fall to the floor when I see it's head turn towards me.

"What the fuck, Jordan? Are you trying to kill us now?"

Through his gasps for air, he says, "No, man. Don't worry about them. They're harmless. They're Corn Snakes."

I look back to the snake and see it turn its dark orange head back to Jordan and start to move around on the bed.

"So when did you get these?"

"Yesterday. Seamus and Spoon went to pick them up."

"And why didn't I get one in my bed?"

Jordan stops laughing and stares at me. We stay silent for a few seconds, before he sighs and says, "Well, after what happened Friday, I thought you'd prefer to stay home. You know, so you don't have to deal with Chilled."

"So you're making me stay home."

"Look, you need a break. So just, stay here for the day, sleep in, play some games. I have to go get the others so we can get to school, but for now, just go back to bed. I'll tell everyone that you had a stomach ache."

I then look down at the ground and stay silent for a little while. "Fine."

"Good. I'll get your homework from the teachers."

Without saying anything, I turn around and walk back to my room, closing the door behind me and laying back in bed. However, there's no way I'm going to fall back asleep. I'm wide awake now, and I really want to do something to take my mind off of Chilled.

After about an hour, I hear the front door close, which tells me that everyone left and I can finally leave my room. So, I roll out of bed and walk downstairs. The first thing I do is start looking around the house for PuppyChef and Ein, since I'm wanting a little puppy loving right now.

After looking around the house for a couple minutes, I decide to check outside to see if the guys let them out before they left. Once I walk out, I see both dogs standing against a tree in the corner of the yard, barking into... nothing. I then take a couple steps closer to them and look up in the tree to see if I can see what they're barking at. That's where I see both Kevin and Dan's cats laying on the lowest branch, wagging their tails in front of the dogs. I laugh at the animals and walk back inside. As much as I want to hug and kiss the adorable little creatures, I don't want to disturb them.

Walking back into the house, I look around the empty house and sigh. Yeah, I can play video games, but playing by yourself gets boring fast, and there aren't a lot of movies I want to watch... Well, expect Interstellar, but I promised Kevin I'd watch it with him tonight, so I want to wait until then to watch it.. again. With nothing else in mind, I walk to the kitchen and start looking around for something to eat, but find nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I run a hand through my hair and try to think of something to do and where I can go to get something to eat.

That's when something hits me. I remember that there was a pizza place a few blocks away that we use to go to all the time. Though, I think the last time we went there was a couple of weeks before Chilled left the Creatures.

I remember that the place was like a Chuck E Cheese, only it had better pizza and there wasn't a annoying man in a mouse costume walking around. Since I have nothing to do, I decide to go upstairs, throw on some random clothes, and walk out the front door and walk to the pizza place.

After about thirty minutes, I finally find it. The outside isn't anything special, but when I walk inside, I'm met with the loud arcade games noises clashing together and the smell of dozens of pizzas being cooked all at once. Something that I very much missed.

You know, I remember this being everyone's favorite place to eat. I wonder why we stopped coming here.

I walk to the corner and order myself a small cheese pizza for here and walk to the back of the restaurant and start playing a bunch of random games that they have. Though, I get bored of playing these game pretty fast.

Since everyone is at school, there aren't a lot of people here, and I'm stuck playing these games by myself. Something I was not looking forward too.

After I make a round of the games, I hear the guy up front call my number, telling me my pizza's done. Sighing, I walk back to the front to get my pizza, but stop when I see someone getting a ticket from the cashier. Grabbing his ticket from the cashier's hand, the man stops and stares back at me.


*Chilled's POV*

I walk out of my room just in time to see Gassy and Renee walk out of their rooms. "Do I really have to stay home from school today?"

"Chilled," Gassy says. "You know that if you see Ze today you'll get upset by what happened on Friday."

"But staying home isn't going to do anything."

"Just get some rest, Chilled," Renee tells me. "You've always wanted to skip school so you can sleep in anyways."

"Yeah, but I kind of wanted to go to school today so I can keep myself busy."

Gassy shakes his head. "Sorry man, but there's no way we're letting you come to school today. Now, go back to bed."

I sigh and walk back to my room. There's no way I'm going to be able to fall back to sleep, but I know that there's no way I can go to school today. Not with Gassy and Renee making sure that I stay home.

Once I hear the front door shut, I roll out of bed and walk around the house with Malcolm following me, wanting me to pet him. The first place I walk into is the kitchen so I can look around for food. But I find nothing. Then I walk into the living room and go on Steam to find a game to play, but come up with nothing again.

Wow, there's really nothing to do in this house, why do I have to stay here for the whole day.... Wait a minute. Gassy said I couldn't go to school, but he never said I couldn't go out.

A little excited now, I start thinking of all the places close by that I can go to. That's when one place comes to my mind. A pizza place only a few blocks away from here. One of the only pizza places that has games and serves my favorite kind of pizza. Smiling like an idiot, I throw on some clothes, put on my favorite Mario Hat, and start the ten minute walk to the pizza place.

Once I get there, I look around and see that there are very few people here, which doesn't surprise me. It's a little pasted 8 in the morning and everyone should be at school by now or at work. To be honest, I'm surprise there's even this many people here.

Anyways, smiling, I walk to the corner and order myself a small broccoli pizza. I then pay the cashier and look to the back of the place where the games are, and feel my insides go cold. Standing just a few feet away from the window you pick up the pizza from, there stood the reason I was told to stay home for.



"What are you doing here?"

I'm Right Here (ZeRoyalChaos) *Old*Where stories live. Discover now