Chapter 40

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*Adam's POV*

As the bell rings, telling us that our classes are finally over, I smile, quickly walk to my locker, and can throw my books in it. I take a quickly glance to the Creatures and notice that Ze isn't with them and that one of them has a wrap going from their wrist all the way up to their elbow.

Damn, what happened to him?

I shake my curiosity out of my head and shut my locker before I say good-bye to my group and start walking to the Vlogger Building. Once there, I walk up to the third floor and go straight to the DIY classroom. I instantly throw open the door and smile and I see my beautiful girlfriend, Cathy, hard at work on planning how everything is going to look for the Craft Sale this Saturday.

Not even bothering to look around the room, I walk straight to her and wrap my arms around her. "Hey sweetie," I say, kissing her cheek.

"Hi honey. Hey, can I ask you a favor?"


"Well, do you mind helping Steven put up fliers on all of the school doors?"

"Really? That'll take a while, baby."

"I know, but everyone's kind of busy making everything we're selling at the Craft Sale, and Steven was the only person who volunteered to help the DIY kids. Please Adam," she asks, pouting.

"Oh, you know I can't say no to you."

"So you'll help us?"

"Of course, sweetie."

"Yay! Now, you and Steven can start with this building, move to the Gamer building, the Art building, and the main building."

I nod and finally look around the room, seeing everyone in the DIY class hard at work on many different projects. Then I look behind me and see someone stacking piles of fliers onto a cart. It isn't until he turns around that I realize who he is.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to up us, Steven. We definitely need the help."

"It's no problem at all, Cathy. Happy to help."

I then watch Ze push the cart out into the hallway before Cathy pushes me out to follow him. She then kisses my cheeks, thanks me again, and shuts the door in my face. I glare at Ze, who just flashes me a smile and says, "I'll get started on the classes on the left, and you get the right." He then hands me a small stack of papers and tape before he walks away with his own stack and tape.

I growl before I walk to the first door at the end of the hall and start taping the flier onto it. I glance over my shoulder, seeing Ze quickly taping his stack on the doors on his side. "I know what you're fucking trying to do, Ze."

"You mean help your girlfriend's class get the word out about the sale this weekend?"

"No. I mean I know that you're trying to use this as a fucking way to try to bond or some shit like that, and it isn't going to fucking work."

"Well, I didn't know you were going to help Cathy today, so I hate to tell you that you're wrong. But that's a nice idea."

"Bullshit you didn't know I was going to help her today. You knew I was helping her this week since I offered to help her on Monday when I didn't go home with the others."

"Did you not go home on Monday? I actually didn't notice, since you always hang out in your room when I'm there. Plus, I was a bit busy helping Chilled and Smarty with their homework, and then we were playing Mario Kart."

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