Chapter 23

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(In Spongebob's Narrator's Voice) *Serval Weeks Later*

*Ze's POV *

As I sit in my last class of the day, I can't help but just look out of the window next to my desk and just think about what's happened over the past couple of weeks. It's already October, as soon as that bell rings it's the start of fall break, and things seem to be a bit on edge for the Creatures and the Bros Angels. I mean, the rumors have stopped after people realized that Aleks never cheated on James, but now it seems that Jordan is starting to get annoyed by everything the Bros Angels do again and visa versa.

And as for who started that rumor; Jordan came back from the library one day after school and told us that someone started a account on Tumblr called "End NovaHD" and they posted the rumor on there, on Reddit, and a couple other websites. After a while, people actually believed this person, who also claimed to know us. We tried getting in contact with whoever was running the account, but we never heard anything back.

And as for me and Chilled, well, we still try to go out at least once a week. And during said time, we don't talk about the groups. We've even stopped talking about Max and Jordan's secret. But we both know why we're not talking about them. It's because we know that we're in danger. With how crazy Max and Jordan have become since the rumor incident, we both feel like it'll only be a matter of time before we might have to say goodbye to either each other or to our groups. Goodbye to this wonderful time we've spent kissing, holding, and loving each other, or say goodbye to our friends and family.

Once the last bell rings, I gather up all of my stuff and make my way to my locker, but get interrupted when someone grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me into an empty classroom. Before I can even say anything, I'm thrown against the wall, causing me to drop all my books, and my arms are pinned above my head.

Once the stinging pain in my back calms down, I look up to my attacker and grin at him. "You know, you need to find a better way to get my attention, babe. This is starting to get a little too painful for my taste."

He chuckles and says, "I had no time. We need to make this fast before the others start looking for us." He then let's go of my arms and kisses me from my lips down my neck. "Hey baby, I wanted to see you tonight, but the drive in is closed."

"So we can't do our normal movie date," I pout.

"No, but I came up with a really nice, romantic date idea that I want us to do."

"Oh yeah; and what is that?"

"I was think a moonlit picnic on Make-out hill."

"What," I almost yell as I push him away. "Okay, the moonlit picnic sounded romantic, but really Anthony?! On Make-out hill?!"

"Hey, it's got the best view of the city. Come on, Ze. Please. I promise I won't do anything unless you want me too."

I chuckle, shaking my head at him, but I know he's right. Although Make-out hill is the spot where teens go to do the doodily-dong-di-dong-dong, you can see the whole city from there, and it is suppose to be breath-taking. "Okay Chilly Willy. But we're not doing anything while we're there."

"Got it. We'll save the good stuff for on the way home."

I then push him as I laugh. "Shut the fuck up, before I change me mind."

We then sneak out of the classroom and join our groups by our lockers. As I talk to Jordan and James about joining them in their new minecraft series, I can't stop thinking about seeing Chilled tonight. I can't wait for tonight to come.

(In Spongebob's Narrator's Voice) *Later That Evening*

I patiently sit on my bed as I wait for Chilled to text me. I'm excited about us finally doing something different for our date night, even if it's still super simple. Then again, I've waited six years to get the opportunity to go out with Chilled, so I'm not complaining too much about these dates.

I look down at my phone and see that it's almost 1 in the morning. Chilled should be here soon. Too excited to just wait, I change into a clean shirt and nicer jeans just to give me something to do. But then I hear a light knock at my door.

Panic fills my body in a matter of seconds, so I jump into my bed and pretend to be asleep. I then hear the knock again. What the hell? I've been doing this with Anthony for weeks; why did someone have to wake up now, and why are they trying to come into my fucking room out of all of the rooms we have?

I then hear the doorknob turn completely and the door getting pushed open. Fuck! Did I forget to lock my door?!

I then hear someone walk in and whisper, "Ze, are you awake?"

My heart drops. It's Kevin.

I slowly turn my body so I can look at him and I feel my face heat up when I see him standing in my doorway in only sweatpants on. "Kevin? What's wrong? What time is it," I ask, trying my best to make myself sound like I just woke up.

"Sorry, it's one. I just... I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to talk to you. But if you want, I can just try to go back to bed and wait until morning or something."

I sit up, "Well, if this is keeping you up, then ask me now."

He then gives me a half smile before looking down at the ground and walking over to join me on my bed. Looking at his hands now, he then asks me, "Ze, why haven't you told anyone whether you're straight, bi, or gay yet?"

I then just stare at him, wide eyed, and guess that now is a good time to drop the half asleep act. "Wh-wh-why do you ask?"

"Well..." He then looks into my eyes, and in them, I can see so many different emotions just swimming in them. However, there's one that I can see more than the others. Love. He then starts to lean in closer to me, and I feel my heart beating faster. Then, before I can even say or do anything, he closes the gap between us, pressing his lips against mine.

At first, I do nothing. I don't kiss back, but I don't try to push him away either. But once my heartbeat starts to go back to normal, I do something that I know I'm going to regret later.

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