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The whole week and half has passed.  Time was like running so fast. But at the same time so slow for the CEO.
The one week is not enough to be changed or for things to be changed.
But so much has already been changed and it was like a good progress for something more beautiful.

He knows that!

The CEO was smiling often. The servants in kim mansion was having a new shock everyday. The workers in kim corporation was now feeling lucky coz the CEO first time didn't snap them for their mistakes. After that day in cafe, the CEO never left any chance to approach the younger. They started to meet daily. Nobody was acknowledging, what's actually is going on but they were more like ignoring the fact.

The CEO was leaving early from his office but arriving late in his mansion.
In this one week his feelings got more stronger as they were before. The desire increasing on its peak.
After that incident in the cafe, the younger was having some difficulties.
Of course the media and peoples who never learned to mind only their business. Continually bugging the younger whenever he went out.

Their picture of hugging each other was now everywhere he turned his head.  In The articles, the banners and the newspaper and new channel too. He saw it everywhere. Though, he was afraid, the younger might get upset with that much attention on him but only if he knows..
But he was happy too that now everyone knows that whom the boy belongs too.

And of course, that Mingyu saw it too.
Only if he should have kissed him too on the spot. So every single doubt would be clear.
You see, with their pictures on the articles, newspapers and new channels, people were having a slight doubt that the young boy can be his some cousin or some lost bestest friend, whom he is hugging so dearly. Its not that, if he is hugging someone, must be his lover.

But that's exactly what, the CEO wanted. He wants everyone to know the boy as the CEO's boyfriend, the CEO's pretty lover.
Spending time with jungkook, he was loosing his patience. He tries to control himself. control, when the younger bits his lips while thinking something, controls himself when the boy stare at him with his soft eyes and a pretty small smile on his lips.
He caught the younger to staring at him and blushing after when he got noticed by the CEO himself.

They met again, after two days of the cafe incident. Then again, again and again. It's seems like, wherever the CEO goes, the boy appears in front of him. But... It is not the truth though, wherever the younger goes, the CEO appears in front of him out of blue.
Making the younger surprise, saying its some kind of fate?

Their fate!

Mark was also having a lil fun. Seeing the strict, cold hearted CEO is actually behaving like a high school teen. It surely was a scene for him, a new experience to be exact.

On the other hand, in the Jeon House. Well, there is things pretty normal. When jungkook's and the CEO picture came out, yoongi didn't show any emotion. Didn't Utter any word. He know that it will come out like this. He knew that it had to happen, eventually. But this soon, it was a funny thing. The jungkook he knows, has finally grown up . Coming in media, in News, he is really not that lil jungkook anymore, who sometimes got afraid to even go to school alone.

Jimin was also doubting, if yoongi is mad at jungkook or he is just avoiding the scene. But, thinking he is avoiding is a bit relief. Its not, he would snap on jungkook but being silent about something serious is not digestive for  jimin. Yoongi has to speak, at least something?

Jin has finally went to his home after 4-5days. The guy, he started to dating months ago, now finally proposed him to be his boyfriend. So now, he finally became his boyfriend.

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