Ironic because he was mine

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Hoseok POV:
I wanted to take Jimin out today, we were both at home bored anyways so I thought why not.

At first I didn't know where to take him so I just decided to ask and forget about the whole surprise thing.

"Baby I was thinking we should go out today since we haven't been out in so long, anywhere particular place you want to go?"

Jimin looked up from the bed where he was reading a book from and said "It's gonna sound weird but can we go sky diving?"

I just looked at Jimin as if he was losing his sanity. I then walked over to him pushed him on the bed so he rolled on to the other side then I took the book off him.

I nuzzled my face into his neck to see if his scent, that heavy vanilla scent had changed but no it didn't.

He giggled because I was tickling his neck and he said "Hyung what are you doing?"

I looked back up at him and then touched his forehead to see if he was warm or not.

"Just checking if you're still, I don't know how to put it nicely....but...AM FUCKING SANE!"

Jin hyung who was walking past our room stopped and said "LANGUAGE SEOKIE! Don't corrupt my Jiminie..." Beford I could respond he looked at our position and said "You kids are always horny aren't you? AT LEAST CLOSE THE DOOR".

Me and Jimin looked at each other and laughed. I spoke sassily and said "hyung your 'Jiminie' isn't innocent he has a filthy mouth and we aren't horny I was checking to see if he was out of his mind or not AND JUST BECAUSE KOOK DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SPOIL OUR FUN HAL-ABEOJI!"

He stared at me dumbfounded before he mumbled "Brat! No one lets me live in this house". Then he threw his shoe at me.

I personally think that was well deserved.

Me and Jimin looked on as hyung walked away laughing hysterically.

"Anyways...GET OFF ME HYUNG YOU'RE HEAVY". I smirked and he sighed "hyung don't say it". I had to say it though my sweet Jiminie.

"I'm not heavy when I'm deep inside of you and you're begging for more". Jimin's eyes were shocked cause he wasn't expecting THAT.

He pushed me off and I laughed as he blushed.

Then the two of us laid on the bed and just looked at each other.

You could see the love radiating from Jimin's eyes and I wish that love never disappears from my omega, I with that my Jimin never leaves me.

He got closer to me and I thought he was gonna kiss me but no he took the pillow and hit me with it.

"Park Jimin WHAT IS THIS?" He laughed and continued to hit me. I took my pillow and hit him too.

We hit each other playfully until all the fluff from the pillow came out and flew all around the room. We laughed and fell back into the same position from earlier.

The fluff was still falling it was like it fell in slow motion and the entire room was covered in tiny feathers.

We looked at each other and this time Jimin did pull in to kiss me.

He moved his leg to put it around my waist and he held my face slowly and he kissed me.

His plump lips were slow and inviting on mine. He had his eyes closed and he took control. At first I didn't kiss back just enjoying the feeling of Jimin's lips, his beautiful, sinful lips on mine.

Then I wanted to take control, I lifted Jimin up and turned us so I was on top and I heard Jimin whimper a bit until he moaned.

Fuck! These were the feelings only he could bring in me.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now