Thunderstorm Jumps 🌩

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no one's pov~

Y/n and Michael were sound asleep Michael holding Y/n close to him as she had her head on his chest every now and then Y/n would ever so slightly jump from the thunder that would boom due to the giant storm outside.

A few minutes passed and the storm seemed like it was calming down but just then one of the biggest thunder's boomed across town, some car alarms went off and it startled Y/n awake she was grasping onto Michael's shirt tightly while panting at a fast past.

Michaels's pov-

"Damn loud ass cars," I said as I sat up but stopped as I felt a tight grip on my shirt, I look down to see Y/n gripping my shirt tightly and she was shaking a bit. "Hey . . babe you ok?" I ask her as I ran my fingers through her hair, I pulled away when she looked up at me with a scared look and she had tears at the corner of her eyes.

"aww, babe shhh shh I gotchu" I fully sat up and I pulled her on my lap as I rocked her back and forth while humming a small tune.

"How?" she suddenly asked.

"How what?"

"How can you sleep through all of that?" She asked looking up at me, i just let out a low chuckle as I started to wipe her tears away.

"The thing is babe I actually love thunderstorms so I have no problem sleeping though them but if I get to hold a certain beauty in my arms when they get scared than I'm not complaining, especially when she wakes me up" I tell her as I give her a sly smirk and she looks away from me blushing.

"Only teasing ya babe," I say as I stand up suddenly while holding her bridal, style she lets out a small squeak and holds onto me, I leave the bedroom and head into the kitchen, gently placing her on one of the stools.

"Does some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows sound good for my scared jumpy beauty?" I asked her as I pulled out the hot cocoa mix. "I- wasn't scared, Michael! tha-" she was cut off as another thunder went off and she let out a small scream while jumping a little, once it was done she crossed her arms on the counter and buried her head in them.

I let out a sigh while placing down the cocoa and leaned forward a bit on the counter I reached out with both my hands cupping her cheeks and making her look at me. "Hey it's ok babe it be over soon," I told her as I leaned in and planted many kisses on her face until she let out a cute giggle, I smiled at her as I kissed the last few of her tears away and gave her a small peck on the lips.

We stayed in the kitchen talking about whatever while I made the hot cocoa she still would jump a bit whenever the storm outside did its thing but I would quickly boop her nose or give her a quick kiss.

Once our drinks were done I handed her a mug as I sipped on mine I placed the mug in front of her I opened my hand and flicked 3 mini marshmallows in her mug, she chuckled at me before blowing on her drink and taking a sip.

"I can never understand how you can make this taste so good Michael," she told me in-between sips as she was having a hard time putting hers down. "hehe I know but slow down babe don't need you getting a stomach ache," I told her as I slowly finished off mine but she ended up chugging hers.

"I know but it was so good! wish I had more" she said as she placed her mug in the sink I let out a small hum while placing my mug also in the sink while walking to her and placed my hands on her hips.

"Well there is more babe can you handle it though?" I told her smirking a bit she didn't catch what I was hinting at and she looked near the stove thinking I made extra, I put my thumb on her chin and made her look up at me as I leaned in and kissed her passionately.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I started to back us up to the couch without breaking the kiss we landed on the cushions of the couch, I break the kiss and move to her neck and nibbled on it a bit earning a few giggles from her and she tried to wiggle away.

"ok ok! Michael stop! we both know we have a busy day tomorrow so calm down before it starts getting too heated" she said while managing to get away and making her way back to the bedroom with me following her.

"Well all I gotta do is wait for another thunder to go off and I get to do this all over again," I said as we got into bed and she cuddled up to my chest. "Maybe but the rain stopped a few minutes ago so nya!" she teased while sticking her tongue out at me just then another big thunder went off and she clung to me.

"You were saying, babe?" I said while laughing a bit she just pouted at me before getting comfortable and we both went back to sleep.

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