Three Nurses to many

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Michael's Pov~

"GUYS! I got it handled, I'll keep you updated I promise but please leave" Y/n came down with a high fever to the point she was nearly bedridden, I told Tabi since she's close with him and he told Agoti that told Aldryx so now all three of them are super worried and ran over. "Bah! Lady Y/n is ill I shall prepare her the good ol, soup with chicken!" Tabi said as he brushed past me and into the kitchen.

"Damnit Tabi you can't ju-" I stopped talking when I saw Aldryx walk into the bedroom where Y/n was, "dude she's resting" I grabbed his arm but he pulled away, I watch as he went in the bathroom and changed the wet cloth and placed it back on her forehead, "has she tried any medicine yet?" Aldrix asked as he hovered his hand above her forehead a bit, "Yea before she fell asleep it's there on the table" he inspected the bottles and nodded his head, "you got her the good stuff but we need to find a way to calm her breathing down and I'm worried about that soup Tabi is making" Aldryx pointed out.

"Yo! I think you're adding too much!" Agoti yelled out "NOT ENOUGH! must be more!" we saw Y/n stir in her sleep and she let out a small whimper turning her head over a little, I ran out knowing she was in good hands with Aldryx as he knows what he's doing.

"Guys shut up, you nearly woke her up what are you even do-" I look to see a giant pot of yellow broth on the stovetop and it was slightly overflowing with . . .i don't even know, "Tabi thought you were making chicken noodle soup for Y/n, what's this?"

"That's what it is my friend can't you tell?" I gave him a look and used a spoon to pick up some of the soup and before I could try a taste he smacked it out my hand, "THIS IS FOR Y/N! not you" I just sighed and hope nothing weird is in there like onions, Y/n hates onions like REALLY hates them (sorry if you like onions but they need to die)

"And what are you doing Agoti?" I asked as he was adding stuff to the blender, "damn you blind? making her a fruit smoothie ya know something nice and cold and a little on the sweet side" sweet of him to make that for her I look to see he added strawberries, a few blueberries, half a banana and wait . . . . "Agoti what's this one" I pointed to a white one with little black dots "that's dragon fruit, my friend! I brought it over myself when I found out Y/n was sick" I read about dragon fruit is good for you, Agoti was about to turn on the blender "wait you forgot!" *splash* . . . . "the lid" me and Agoti got hit by some of the juice, him not caring placed the lid on and blended whatever was left inside.

At the end of the kitchen chaos, I walked back into the bedroom to see Y/n was awake and talking to Aldryx once she saw me, she gave me a weak smile, "hey babe you feeling any better?" I kneeled beside the bed near her then gently stroked her cheek, I guess my hand was cool to the touch as she nuzzled into my palm.

"Little better what's with all the noise? I woke up and saw Aldryx so I guess Tabi and Agoti is here too?" before I could reply said people literally ran into the room shoving me and Aldryx aside, "Lady Y/n! here I have brought you my finest chicken noodle soup, Michael tried to get I taste but I would not allow it!" Tabi said placing the bowl by her on the table, Agoti then shoved Tabi aside knocking him into me, "She needs something cold stupid, Here sweets I made you a fruit smoothie! should help you cool down"

Remember when I said she was nearly bedridden poor thing can't sit up unless someone helps her "you two need to calm down can't you knuckleheads see she can't sit up right now, amazed she's even awake" Aldryx scolded the two but sighed and asked Y/n if it was ok if he helped her up, she gave him a weak yes letting him sit beside her so she could lean on him for support.

"Shouldn't that be you doing that . . . and not Aldryx?" Tabi asked looking at me "I would but you two literally shoved me nearly out the freaking room "too hot?" we turn to see Y/n had tried the soup Aldryx was holding the bowl for her, she shook her head and tried to get away from the bowl, noticing this Aldryx put the soup back on the table.

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