Yandere Michael x Soft Reader (1)

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⚠️ Mentioning of blood ⚠️

⚠️ Violence ⚠️

⚠️ Usage of guns and knives ⚠️

With that said let's start

Requested By: xXcLoUdY_vIBeSXx

Michael's Pov-

It was date night me and Y/N just finished eating at our favorite restaurant, I told her I had some business to attend to and to head back to the apartment without me, she asked if I was sure and I gave her the ok to go, my older bro had texted me earlier saying he wanted to talk and was nearby.

I told her to fly back so she be safe but she didn't want to use her wings, I sighed while grabbing her arm and pulling her closer to me.

"Babe believe me when I say use your WINGS, if I even hear that some guy looked at you because you didn't feel like using them and choose to walk home, I will personally take care of them and then have to punish you for not listening," I said with slight malic in my voice.

She quickly nodded before giving me an Eskimo kiss that she loves doing and flew off into the distance towards the direction of the apartment.

"Good girl now to find Mac"

(Giving the older brother the name Mac because we'll. . . He looks like a Mac)

He texted me saying he was nearby but didn't say where, I then heard a low whistle coming from an alleyway, I peek over to see Mac leaning against the wall.

"Sup bro you do know I was with my girl right? as it's our date night," I said walking up to him putting my hands in my hoodie pockets. "Yeah she's the reason why I want to talk to you," he said as I stood in front of him. "Ok? about what I don't have all night dude"

"Is she one of them?

"One of wha-?" he yelled at me suddenly. "Oh come on Michael! I saw her! she's one of those freaking angels! I watched as you two talked for a second then she took off flying, bet probably to kill some poor soul like the other guy that shot you" I stood there stunned, shit I forgot he didn't know about her yet. "Before seeing THAT I wanted to just check up on you to see how you were doing but I thought you would have known better"

"The fuck is that suppose to mean? you got something against my girl? she's not one for killing" I glared at him getting angry. "I think you would be better off seeing someone else that's I don't know not an angel? hell, I'm still worried about Keith after finding out what Cherry is, swear you two date the most dangerous beings in the damn town!"

"Then go bug Keith about Cherry but I bet your gonna have the same issue with me, whatever you say or do I'm not ending it with Y/N, I love her man, if we're done here I'm out" started walking away from him, just then he grabbed my shoulder slamming me to the wall.

"FUCK MICHAEL! can't you see she's too dangerous one day she's gonna get an order from whoever and you be next! and since your together, you won't see it coming and end up dead!"

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