Neo Battles [Part One]

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Y/N's Pov~

For the past few days Micheal has been . . . acting weird, he returns home way later than usual, one day he came back with a black bag of hair products I didn't really question it, since I know he likes to keep his hair healthy until I saw what looked like a box of pink neon hair dye peeking out from the bag.


Got more curious when one night Keith was at the door and Micheal was too busy in the bathroom to answer it so I got it but Keith also looked off . . . he had his same blue hair just . . . his clothes looked different.

"Don't wait up babe! gonna catch a late movie with Keith" Micheal said running past me and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before I could question him they were gone.

Been going on like this for about a week and every time I would ask to join them I get told 'we started a bro's night to make up lost time with Mac' i believed it at first . . . until when I looked out the window and saw Cherry trailing behind them as they left, she wasn't at the door with Keith.

And her clothes were different too even her hair.

Micheals Pov~

Opening the door from the alleyway to let Keith & Cherry exit first "Dude! those battles were sick! tomorrow is gonna be lit for sure!" I said to Keith as I pulled down my mask. "Have you told Y/N? where you've been going? every time I come to the door she looks at me confused when she answers it" Keith said while I fixed my hair back to its blue hue.

"Huh? hell, no dude think she's catching on though the neo realm is too dangerous and I don't want her coming in there with us, I mean were fine because we got Cherry's parents there to help us and we know what we're doing, I just don't want anything bad happening to her," I told him as we reached the sidewalk looking up I see the sun is about to rise 'damn we been gone pretty long' thinking to myself before turning to Keith.

"Well it was a blast little bro I'm gonna head home you and Cherry text or call when you make it back alright?" they gave me a thumbs up and we went our separate ways, before getting too close to my apartment I ducked into another alleyway and quickly swapped clothes, hidden a backpack behind a dumpster so I wouldn't have to sneak into the bathroom later.

Checking myself over making sure I didn't forget anything, I re-hide the backpack that now had my neo getup and made my way to my apartment. Unlocking the door I gently open it so I wouldn't make too much noise to wake Y/N she gets grumpy if I wake her.

Locking the door back I plop on the couch and take out my cell and text Keith real quick.

Me to lil Bro: Did you and Cherry make it back?

Lil Bro to Me: yeah, we just got in, see you tonight! and bring your A-game were going up against the big leagues.

Me to Lil Bro: Pfft we got this see ya later bro.

Putting my phone away I sat up and went to my bedroom, I opened the door to see Y/N wasn't there, 'Hmm she must be back at Sarv's I'll call her later' i thought to myself as I was starting to crave some cheez-its, as I turn around to head to the kitchen.

"Welcome home Micheal" I jumped seeing Y/N right there behind me, scaring the daylights outta me, I placed a hand where my heart was calming down.

"Whoa, babe don't do that! where were you?" I asked looking at her and that's when I noticed her arms were crossed and . . . her wings were out. "Oh you know just hanging around, you should really look up more often you never know if something is creeping around on the ceiling.

'Y-yeah I'll keep that in mind, didn't know my girl was spider pig in disguise, but at this time you be asleep, babe you ok?" I asked kissing her cheek while making my way to the kitchen, hearing her trail behind me.

"I'm fine I been . . . lonely lately so umm how was movie night with Keith and Mac?" I heard her ask as I reached up in the cupboards and grabbed a box of cheez-its that were already opened grabbing a handful and stuffing some in my mouth.

"Oh! it was fun! Mac treated us this time we saw that new Scream movie it was alright, how was your day babe?" I turned to her she was leaning on the kitchen counter. "it was ok I paid Sarv a visit seems she was having issues with one of the members the DDR cat Kapi, he's been eating the communion cake for breakfast so i had to break the news to him he was no longer allowed back at the church"

Didn't Sarv also catch him vaping in the bathroom and he claimed he saw the holy ghost? remember being there talking to Ruv when it happened while Y/N helped Sarv with the church, shit was funny. "Welp damn is it a perm ban or a temp one?" I asked her sitting on the counter a bit. "Perm, little guy went through three cakes he had to go sadly but she did say when there's no session going on he could visit for a bit and that's it"

"Pfft no more cake for the kitty anyway you didn't answer me, babe, why are you still awake? please don't tell me you waited up for me this whole time, I gave you the ok to go to bed without me" done with the cheez-its I put the box away and went to her.

"Micheal . . . I have been going to bed alone for a few days now . . we even had a thunderstorm and you know how I get with those and you weren't here to help me through it" saw she had a sad look on her face I did remember that night we battled the Spookeez kids the storm was pretty nasty.

Y/N finally told me why she doesn't like thunderstorms from what she said, during one of her angel duties she was flying in the rain, it was supposed to just be a normal drizzle and that's it but then lighting came down and hit her, burning one of her wings pretty badly. she was put in recovery for a week and that lighting alone did something to her wing so the static from the shock messed up the part where the wing meets her back, every time she tries to pull it back it shocks her so. . . they had to cut that wing off they used a special tool so a new one would grow in its place.

So she's on it about the weather the moment she catches wind that there's gonna be a thunderstorm she comes to my place knowing I can calm her down and help her sleep through it.

"aww babe I'm so sorry, why didn't you call me? I would have rushed back home" I cooed reaching out to her but she backed away from my touch. "I-i did Micheal three times and I even texted you," she said looking down and away from me, shit . . I did get those later on when we came back that night but she seemed fine when I got back to her.

"I'm sorry babe can I make it up to you? we can do something now since we're both up maybe a movie, some cuddles? my amazing smooches?" I said while wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheeks then going to her neck and giving her a bunch of butterfly kisses. "M-Micheal it's like five in the morning" she giggled trying to squirm away but didn't let her.

"Didn't stop us before remember we did an all-nighter gaming, movies, cuddles?" said trying to be sneaky making my hand reach up the back of her shirt getting ready to un-clip her bra, but she caught on and pulled my arm away. "Down boy and how about we do something tonight? that new karaoke cafe finally opened we can go there."

She said jumping a bit in excitement 'oof not good' "Maybe tomorrow babe supposed to meet with Keith and Mac tonight again we got invited to Cherry's place, seems her parents wanted to tell us something important, you remember Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest right?" I lied I knew if I bought up those two she would drop the idea, don't know the reason why, but she does not wanna be near Cherry's parents at all.

"Y-yeah I remember them and ok . . . hope it's good news whatever it is . . . I'm just gonna head to bed Micheal you coming with me?" she gave me a sad hopeful look I don't have to leave until late tonight so spending some time with her would be nice. "yes babe you won't be alone this time" I kissed her and we headed to my room changing into our sleep-wear even though it's nearing 6 am we didn't care.

All we did for the rest of the day was cuddle, kiss, and doze off now and then just sweet tender moments nothing heavy.

Man, I wished I stayed home instead of going to that battle . . .

To Be Continued . . .

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